Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/866

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?54 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY yard and store at Wheaton, Minn. Here, he remained eleven years. During this time he became a prominent citizen of Wheaton, serving as a member of the village board as school 'treasurer and as a member of the village council. From 1900, when he returned to Red Wing, until 1903, he was employed as bookkeeper in the office of Charles A. Betcher, afterward taking charge of the retail department of that company until 1906. During that year this department was sold to the Ballard Trumble Lumber Company, at which time Mr. Compton be- came associated with the latter company as general manager, a position he has since retained. He is an independent voter and belongs to the Swedish Mission Church. Mr. Compton on De- cember 17. 1884. was married at Rod Wing to Augusta Ander- son. Her father died in Sweden and her mother now makes her home with the Compton family. To Mr. and Mrs. Compton have been born three children — Miriam, June 23, 1894; Ruth, December 27, 1896, and Elmer, June 23, L899. Charles S. Dana, clerk of the district court of Goodhue county, is descended from eastern parentage, his father, Charles, being a native of Vermont, and the mother, whose maiden name was Sally Ann Lawrence, of Alleghany county, X. Y. The father was a prominenl and successful merchant of Belvidere, Boone county. 111., and also lived in Roscoe, in thai stale. In L856 he came to Goodhue county and settled in Roscoe township, being one of the earliesl setlers of that place. To him belongs the honor of naming Roscoe. the name being that of his former residence in Illinois. He homsteaded 160 acres, and in the short time he lived became a prominent pioneer citizen. He died in 1859. His widow survived until L904, when she Lived in the state of Washington. Charles S. was born in Belvidere, Boone county, 111., September 25, 1851, and was broughl to this county by his parents when a young boy. He attended the common schools in Roscoe township, and then took a commercial course in the Bryant and Stratton College at St. Paul. For a time he clerked in Roscoe township, and then taught school in this county from 1874 to 1880. The following year he came to Red "Wing as bookkeeper for the Red Wing Iron Works. During the suc- ding six years his acquaintance with Red Wing people in- creased and on January 1, 1887. he started his public office hold- ing as deputy county auditor. In 1906 he was elected to his present position, in which he has served with much credit. In politics, Mr. Dana is a Republican, and he belongs to both the Odd Fellows and the Royal Arcanum. Charles S. Dana was married in October, 1883, to Lida Pilcher, of Belvidere. 111., daughter of John and Frances Pilcher, natives of England, who after living for a time in Ohio moved to Belvidere, 111., where