Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/876

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Edwin, Viola, Kate and Levi, came west in 1865. Of tliese Levi is the only one living. After their arrival here they lived for a time at Mazeppa, Minn., and in 1869 came to Znmbrota township, where the father purchased 160 acres of land on section 25, which he broke and improved, and upon which he carried on general farming until 1876. He then moved to Zumbrota, pur- chased a pleasant home, and engaged in the retail implement business, also selling organs, pianos and sewing machines. In 1883 he retired from active life, and continued to reside in the vil- lage until his death, September 10, 1891. Levi received his early schooling in Vermont and at Zumbrota, and spent his summers and spare time farming with his father. At the age of nineteen years he started teaching school on the prairie and continued in this profession three years until entering the implement busi- ness with his father in 1876. In 1883, when this business was sold, he became interested in Ik uses, breeding and shipping Percherons, Hamilton ians and French coach horses until 1891, when he again took up 1 lie general hardware and implement business. In 1907 he sold out and retired. In addition to his village property. Mr. Woodbury owns two homesteads of 160 acres each in Big Stone county, which were taken up in 1879 and 1880 by himself and Mary lane Maley, who was to become his wife. Mr. "Woodbury is a Republican in politics, and affiliates with the Modern Woodmen. He was married November 11, 1880, at Benson. .Minn., to Mary lane Maley. born September 20, 1858, laughter of William and Lizzie (Leonard) Maley. natives of Ire- land. After coming to America they located first in Bridgeport, Conn., and in 1856 came to Zumbrota. Here the father died, March 17, 1875. and the mother passed away at Aberdeen, Wash., November 10. 1905. To Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury have been born five children. Edwin D., born July 4, 1882, is a hardware mer- chant at Ortonville. Minn., married Francis B. Schrodeski and has one child. Marion Wagner. Leslie M.. born November 9, 1884, is a graduate of the State University and a leading dentist of Zumbrota. He married Selma M. Strand, daughter of O. A. Strand. Mark (1.. born August 18, 1886, is a hardware dealer at Clinton. Minn. Elsie M. is the fourth child, born February 10. 1888. Levi R. A., born November 5, 1891. lives at home. The family faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Henry Blanchard, now deceased, was for many years a memor- able figure in Zumbrota, Avhere his voice was ever raised, and his most zealous work ever given, in the interests of all that was good and desirable, and all that tended to advance the moral, busi- ness and social interests of the village and township. In dying he bequeathed a record of unsullied honor to his children, and left the public a name which would always be the epitome of a