Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/904

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782 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY county, and purchased farm land on which he lived until 1871. when he retired from active labor and moved to Lake City, where he died October 28. 1875, the mother having passed away in 1850 in New York state. William E. received his early edu- cation in New York state, coming west with his father in 1859, where he assisted with farm work until the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, when lie .joined the union army, enlisting at Full Snelling, October 15. 1861, in Company G. Third Minne- sota A'olunteer Infantry, serving until January, 1861. when he reenlisted in same company remaining with his regiment until September 2.'!. 1865, when Ik- received his honorable discharge at Fort Snelling, when the regiment was mustered out. lie was taken prisoner ;it Murfreesboro, Tenn., November I s . 1862, and was confined in ;i Southern prison when the Indian outbreak occurred. He was accordingly paroled, and sent to .Minnesota to tit-liI the Indians. While fighting in the South he partici- pated in tin- siege of Vicksburg and. was also at the capture of Little Rock, and engaged in numerous other battles. After the war he returned to his farm in Chester. In 1 lie spring of 1866 he moved to Mazeppa ami opening a harness shop, which he con- ducted until 1869, when he sold out and removed t<» Red Wing, engaging in tie' same- lmsiness. 'In 1872 he left Red Wing, going to Zumbrota, where he followed his trade for one year, then wetii to Swift county and homesteaded 160 acres of land, which he proved up, worked and improved, erecting a home and other necessary buildings. lb 1 subsequently returned to Zumbrota and moved his family to Swift county, where they remained on the claim until 1878. Returning to Zumbrota. he again engaged in the harness business until the spring of 19<>7 under the firm name of V. E. Mosher & Son. .Mr. Mosher still owns the store building. lie is a1 presenl connected with the Butter and Eggs Company, of Red Wing, and has' also been its buyer for the past the years. He lias been oil inspector of tin; county for three years. Politically, he is a Republican and has been a member of the Ancient Order of United "Workmen for twenty- eight years. He belongs to the Scofielcl Post Xo. 121, G. A. R., is commander of the Post, and is also president of the Old Settlers' Society of Goodhue county. Mr. Mosher was married October 15. lst;7. at Mazeppa, to Julia Smith, of that place, daughter of W. B. and .Mary Bridges) Smith, both of New England stock, natives of Deep River. Conn. Upon coming west in 1857. they located in Mazeppa. Minn., where the father was a farmer and clerk. He died May 29. 1886. and the mother in 1866. both in Mazeppa. Mr. and Mrs. Mosher have four rhildren— Jennie E.. born May 19, 1869, married A. E. Mclntire. connected with the St. Paul Daily News; Arthur E.. born May