Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/912

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<8G HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY the mother January 8, 1906. Henry received his education in Germany and came to America in 1887, locating in Goodhue town- ship, where he remained four years, after which he came to Zum- brota township and purchased thirty acres of land, which he broke and cleared, building a home and other outbuildings. In 1907 he bought eighty acres of improved land adjoining and again in 1909 bought seven acres of timber land, also adjoining, making a nice farm of 117 acres, on which he has followed general farming and stock raising. He was married March 2, L884, to Mary Bredehoft. daughter of Hans and Mattie (Tomhave) Bredehoft, natives of Germany, in which country they died. Mr. and Mrs. Bargsten have two children, Mary, who married Henry Rothgarn. living at Wabasha county, Hyde Park township, and Margaret, living at home. Mr, Bargsten paid a visit to his old home in Germany in 1901., returning in 1902. He is a Republican in bis politics, has held the office of supervisor and road overseer for several years, and lias been a member and director of the school board. He is interested in the Goodhue elevator. Mr. Bargsten lias acquired what he now possesses by hard work, and the es- teem by which be is held in his community is clearly shown by the many offices to which he has been entrusted. The family attends the I rerman hut heran church. Alfred E. Collinge, of Zumbrota village, was born August 10, 1871, son of Samuel and Hannah (Sutcliffe) Collinge, natives of England, who came to America in 1890, locating at Easton, Pa. In 1893 they came to Zumbrota, where the father engaged in brickmaking for three years, after which he went to Ireland. The mother died in 1890. Allied E. received his education in England, after which he took up brickmaking. and in 1890 lo- cated in Radford, A'a.. where he continued to work at his trade. In 1891 he went to Easton, Pa., and in 1893 came to Zumbrota, where he again engaged in brickmaking. After three years he started in the dray business, and in ]!)<>5 in the ice business. He also entered the Vandusen Elevator Company, and 1908 was chosen its manager, which position he now holds. He still con- tinues the dray and ice business. The fraternal affiliations of Mr. Collinge consist of membership in the Modern Woodmen of America, of which he is clerk, the I. O. O. F.. the Masons and the M. B. A. By his wife, Matilda Person, a native of Sweden, who came to this country in 1893, Mr. Collinge has four children: Alfred, Hannah. Harry, and Mary Ann. all living at home. The subject of this sketch is a good citizen and capable business man, highly esteemed by his friends and acquaintances. Frank W. Fulkerson, of Zumbrota, was born at Hamilton, Madison county, New York, June 9. 1851, son of Stephen and Alary (Worthington) Fulkerson, natives of England and Ger-