Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/916

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790 HISTOKY OF GOODHUE COUNTY '•unity. Minnesota, in 1855. where the father followed his trade as carpenter until he died, January 2, 1901. The mother passed away December 25. 188<>. Oliver received his education at La- crescent, after which he learned telegraphy and began his services for the 0. & M. railroad in 1882. He was first stationed at Frontenac Minn., where he remained until 1887, then went to Orient. S. D.. until 1889, thence to Weaver, Minn., where he was stationed until 1892, when he came to Zumbrota, where he was engaged as station agent and operator, and where he still is. During all this time he has been with the ('. & M. railroad, and lias always performed his duties to the great satisfaction of the company. Mr. Anderson was married November 13. 1883. at Red AYing to Flora I. Spinney, who was also born in Minnesota, in the town of Florence. She was the daughter of J. D. and Lucania (Seavey) Spinney, who were natives of New Hampshire, and came to this county and located in Florence township in 1854. and for a number of years were engaged in milling, then en- gaged in farming, which they followed for forty years in the same place. The father died suddenly on a street car at Seattle, Wash., where he had gone to visit his younger daughter. The t mother died January 10, 1905. Mr. and Airs. Anderson have four children: Ear] F.. bora Augusl 21, 1> S 5. is a civil engineer of Seattle. Wash.: Pearl P. born March »i. 1886, is a teacher; Fred 1).. born October 15. 1889, is wireless operator on ;| boal from Seattle to Alaska ; and Florence P.. born September 20, 1891. is a high school student. Mi'. Anderson is a Republican in his poli- tics and has served on the village council two years and on the school hoard for ten years. Fraternally, he affiliates with the Masons and the M. W. A. He and his family attend the Methodist Episcopal church, William J. Mc Waters, a native of Minneola township, now living in Zumbrota village. Avas born .January 8, 1862, son of ■lames and Esther (Kinneer) McWaters, of Ireland, who came to America in ls44 and located in New York state, where the father engaged in farming and railroading. Coming west in 1856 to Minneola township, they bought 160 acres of wild land, which they cleared and cultivated, following general farming until 1889. when they retired and moved to Zumbrota. AVilliam J. re- ceived his education in Minneola township and farmed with his father until twenty-four years old. He then went to Polk county. Minnesota, where from 1886 to 1894 he farmed 400 acres of land which he rented from his father. In 1894 he returned to the old homestead in Alinneola township. This he purchased and has since continued to improve. June 19, 1890, he was married to Jennie Haugan, daughter of Halvor and Anna Haugan. They have two children: John E., born April 8, 1891. and AVilliam J.,