Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/919

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COl TY 793 war he returned to Union Grove, Wis., and helped in the harvest until September, lS(if>, when he came to Zunibrota township, and in the spring- of 1866 purchased eighty acres on section 1, built a home and other outbuildings, broke and improved the land, and followed general farming. Mr. Pengilly was married July 20, 1863, at Racine. Wis., to .Mary Jane Putnam, a daughter of Aaron Putnam, a direct descendant of Israel Putnam. The mother was Martha Youman. Mr. and Mrs. Pengilly have had twelve children: Marian, married David Hancock, of Racine county. Wisconsin ; Grace, Ruth A. and Olive live at home; Aaron H., lives in Beer Valley, Minnesota; Sarah, married John Ahl- grim, of Goodhue village ; Mary Jane, lives in Buffalo, Minn. ; Earnest Emmet, also lives in Buffalo, Minn.; Ulysses G., lives in Minneapolis; Clara is a teacher; Maud and Minor are deceased. Mr. Pengilly is a Republican in his political views and is a mem- ber of A. F. and A. M. of Mazeppa, and I. 0. 0. F. of Red Wing, of which latter organization he has been a member for forty years. The family are members of the Congregational church at Mazeppa. Martin H. Satren, a general merchant of Zumbrota, and one of the leading business men of the village, was born in Minneola township, April 20, 1874, and is eminently a self-made man. His early days were passed in the district schools of Minneola. and in working on the farm, but being desirous of advancing himself by obtaining a better education he entered the Normal school at Madison, Minn , and afterward took a course in a business col- lege at Minneapolis. After leaving college he clerked in a gen- eral store for nine years, and in 1903, having acquired a full knowledge of the business, started out for himself by opening a store of his ow r n. He has been very successful and has built up a large business. Mr. Satren is the son of Hogen and Mattie Satren, both natives of Norw T ay, who came to this country in the late forties, locating on a farm in Minneola township, where the father died May 6, 1889. The mother is still living there with her son Louis. Martin H. has three brothers: Louis lives on the homestead, while Richard and Hogen are at AVanamingo. He had one sister, Hannah, who is deceased. Charles J. Zemke, of White Willow village, Zumbrota town- ship, was born in Goodhue township September 26, 1876, son of Herman and Amenia (Schultz) Zemke, both natives of Prussia, Germany, who emigrated to America in the early sixties, locating in Wisconsin. Here they remained one year, then removing to Zumbrota township, where they rented a farm. In 1876 they moved to Goodhue township, purchasing eighty acres of land, which the father soon broke, cultivated and improved, engaging in general farming ever since. He has purchased 460 more acres,