Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/924

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796 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY section in North Dakota. As an apiarist and small fruit grower, his later leisure years have been rounded out. Mr. Tome resigned as postmaster and his son George H. was appointed to succeed him July 1, 1906. The son was educated in Pine Island schools and was at the time of his appointment practically in charge of the postoffice, the splendid service of which is owing to his ef- ficient management. George H. was married December 17, 1908, to Lenora B. Clark, daughter of H. G. and Elenora (Dickey) Clark, of, Zumbrota. Is a member of Pine Island I. O. 0. F. lodge and Commercial Club and stands in the front ranks of Pine Island's progressive citizens. A. F. Reiter, the senior member of the firm of Reiter Bros., of Pine Island, was born in Wabasha county, Minnesota, August 24, 1873, son of Julius Reiter, a native of Germany. The parents came to this country in 1868 and located near Pottsdam, Minn., where they lived five years, later removing to Plainview, Minn., where they purchased land and engaged in general farming and stock raising. They are both living but have retired from active life. A. F. Reiter was one of twelve children: William 0., Au- gusta, Julius J., Ernest H., August, Edward, Bertha, Annie, Al- bert, Laura, Ida and George. A. F. Reiter received his education in the public school and attended the high school, later taking a course at Darling's Business College at Rochester, Minn. After finishing his studies he returned home and worked on the farm for -one year, after which he was employed as clerk in his brother's store at Rochester. After four years of clerking, he came to Pine Island and opened a general store under the firm name of Reiter and Lucas, continuing for one year, when he took in as a partner his brother Julius J., and the firm was known as Reiter Bros., under which name it is now conducted. One year later his brother E. F. became a partner. They carry a full line of dry goods, groceries, gentlemen's furnishings, boots and shoes, and have built up a large and flourishing trade in the village and surround- ing country. Mr. Reiter was married in September, 1897, to Louise Rabehl, daughter of Carl Rabehl, of Rochester, Minn., a native of Germany, who came to America and located in Roches- ter, where he acquired land and engaged in farming, where they still reside. Mr. and Mrs. Reiter have three children : Carl, Alfred, Francis,, all at home. Mr. Reiter is a Democrat in his politics. He has been a member of the village council for the past five years and holds the office of treasurer. He and his family attend the German Lutheran church. Charles H. Leavitt, Pine Island township, is one of those men to whom increasing years have brought increased honor, and to whom maturing age has brought ripened judgment. He has served on the board of supervisors eleven years, being chairman