Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/941

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY. 805 master for a number of years. The family faith is that of the Episcopal church. Leon L. Cornwell, of Pine Island village, was born in Olm- stead county, .Minnesota. October 12, 1872, and was educated in the common schools of the county, and at Carleton college in NOrthtield. After completing his studies he taught for twelve years, being superintended of the schools of Fountain, Fillmore county, and Minnesota, Lyon county. In November, 1903, he was elected cashier of the Citizens' State Bank of Pine Island, which position he still holds. He was one of the organizers of the Zumbro Falls State Bank, August 5, 1!H)7. and was elected president, which office he also still holds. Mr. Cornwell was mar- ried on Augusl 28, 1895, to Mattie Sinclair, of Byron, Minn., daughter of George and Rebecca (Fisher) Sinclair, natives of Maine and Indiana. They came wesl in 1863, bought land and engaged in farming until the death of the father in 1897. The mother is still living at Byron, .Minn.- Mr. and Mrs. Cornwell have one child. Dorothy M.. born June 5, 1899. now attending school. In politics Mr. Cornwell is a Republican. He is a public spirited citizen, lias taken an active interest in the affairs of the village, and has held several positions of public trust and honor, having been treasurer of the village, treasurer of the cemetery association, secretary of the board of education, secretary of the Commercial Club, and trustee of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is_ a member of the Masonic Lodge. No. 37. Thomas and Clarissa (Spencer) Cornwell, parents of L. L. Cornwell, were na- tives of New York, where they were farmers. They came west in 1856 and located in New Haven, Minn., where they took up a homestead of 160 acres of land. This the father cleared and prepared for cultivation, and added more land to his farm until he had 140 acres, on which he conducted farming and stock rais- ing. He retired in 1891 and moved to Pine Island village, where he purchased a comfortable home, in which he and his wife still reside. W. W. Jewell, a prosperous druggist of Pine Island, was born in Bane county, Wisconsin. August 16. 1847, son of Moses and Martha Jewell. He received his education in the public schools, and finished with a course at Northwestern Seminary at Wasioja, Minn. After completing his studies, he became a clerk in the store of F. H. "Williamson, of Lake City, remaining with him for ten years. In 1874 he went into business for himself in Pine Island, conducting a general store and also carrying a full line of drugs. He was one of the organizers of the Pharmacy Society. and has been a registered pharmacist since the law requiring registration of druggists went into effect in Minnesota. lie was married in 1874 to M. I. Haasze, daughter of James and Harriet!