Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/944

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808 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Mr. Wesl was married to Jessie Sterling, by whom lie has one child. Alice. Mr. West is independent in his politics. While a resident of Dakota he held the position of town treasurer and was a member of the school board, also justice of the peace. He was at one time member of the Good Templars. Jacob Bringgold, Sr., of Pine Island village, was born in Switzerland. January 24. 1824. son of John and Adeline Bring- gold. natives of Switzerland, where the father was a farmer. They emigrated to America in 1840 and located in New York state, where they bought ;i farm of 200 acres of timber land. This they cleared and in 1865 sold, and came west to Minnesota, where they bought land in Roseoe township, consisting of 160 acres, of which sixty acres was improved land. Jacob partially broke and cleared this land and added more gradually, until he had in all 420 acres. He carried on general and diversified farming and stock raising on a large scale, and was the first farmer in the township to bring in Short Bom cattle. He had a fine stock barn. 36x80 feet. He was also the firsl cheese maker in Pine Island. He retired from active lite in lss!). and moved to Pine Island, where he purchased a home and has since resided. He was married in May. 1855, to Susan Egger, of Switzerland, daughter of Gilbert and Sophronia Egger, natives of Switzerland, where the father was a farmer and maker of Swiss cheese. They came to America in 1832 and located in New York stale, where the mother died in 1868, after which the father went to Illinois, where he died in 1869. Mr. and Airs. Bringgold were the parents of eight children — Rosie (deceased); Emma, married to C. O. Little, of Oklahoma: Susan, married to J. S. Talcott, of Santa Ana. CaL; Helen, married to Grover Comstock, of .Minneapolis; Jacob A., of Pine Island: Annie, living a1 home; Charles R.. liv- ing at Pine [sland, and Grace, married to George P. Stout, of Minneapolis. Mr. Bringgold is an independent voter. He has served as chairman of the board in Roseoe township for ten years, and was also road master for a long period. The family attends the German Lutheran Church. Charles Henry West, of Pine Island village, was born in Ros- eoe township July 11. 1857. son of Lyman and Emeline (Rine- hart ) West. He was educated in the common schools of his neighborhood, and after leaving school worked at farming for ten years in the same township. In 1883 he went to South Da- kota, and took up a homestead in Weston township, Marshall county, where he resided fourteen years, being town clerk two terms. For two years he lived in Amherst, conducting a hard- ware and grocery store, and in 1896 went to Douglass county. Minnesota, remaining two years, then to Stearns county, where he lived for five years. He was in the hardware business in