Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/950

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812 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Wing. February 1, 1865, son of Alex F. and Julia (Koenig) Kop- plin. both natives of Germany. In 1853 they emigrated to Amer- ica, locating in Wisconsin, where Alex F. attended college. After finishing his collegiate education he taught school and later came to Red Wing and entered the employ of Frederick, Kempe & Co. In 1870 he removed to Minneola township, where he purchased eighty acres of land, which lie broke and cultivated, erecting a substantial home and farm buildings. In addition to his Good- hue county property he owns land in Canada, Lac qui Parle county. Minnesota, and two sections in Pan Handle, Texas. He continued farming until 1893. when he removed to Bellingham, Lac qui Parle county. Minnesota, where he still lives, engaged in the hardware, lumber and land business. His wife passed away in June, 1896. Louis II. acquired his education at Minne- ola. After leaving school he remained with his father until 18!':!. when he purchased eighty acres of land adjoining the old original homestead, which his father gave him. This consisted of eighly acres in section 2. making him in all a valuable farm of 160 acr - He has built a substantial home, also a lame new barn 70x40, and erected several other farm buildings. Mr. Kopplin takes great interest in forestry, and has planted 1,000 Norway poplar trees, which will mature in future years. In June, 1893, the same year he started .out for himself, he was married at Zum- brota to Anna G. Koch, horn April 10, 1870. daughter of Henry Koch, born in 1836, and Margarita (Engel) Koch, born in 1843, both natives of Germany, who came to America, settling at Evans- ville. Ind. They moved to Hay ('reck in 1873, and in 1886 came to Zumbrota and engaged in farming. The father is still living in Litchfield. Minn., and the mother died April 9. 1902. Mr. and Mrs. Kopplin have three children, Sclma. horn April 11, 1894; Stella, horn Augusl 21. 1901, and Hildegarde, born February 5, 1904. Mr. Kopplin is a Democrat, and has held the office of school director for several years. He has acquired his present prosperity by hard work and honest toil, and is an honored citi- zen in every respect. The family attends the Lutheran Church. Christian A. Lexvold was born on the old homestead in Minne- ola township, November 19. 1870, being the son of Andrew Lex- vold. He received his education in the common schools of Minne- ola toAvnship. and like his brothers worked on his father's farm. In 1890 he left home, going to North Dakota and remaining there for three" years. In 1893 he returned and began farming on part of the old homestead, his land now consisting of 120 acres in section 22 and forty acres in section 16. making a farm of 160 acres. He erected the comfortable home in which he lives with his family, also built other necessary farm buildings, carrying on general farming and stock raising with considerable success