Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/960

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HISTORY OF GOODHFK COUNTY student. His natural bent, however, was toward agricultural pursuits, and after completing his college studies he returned to Minneola and farmed with his father until 1892, when he pur- chased a farm of 160 acres on section 26, Minneola township, where he has since continued to reside. He has brought the land to a high state of cultivation, has erected a comfortable home and a roomy barn, and in fad has made those improvements which characterize the place as an up-to-date farm in every par- ticular. He raises his own stock, makes ;i specialty of several high grades and carries on general farming. Although inter- ested in the progress of modern events, he has never sought public office, being content to cast his vote for others whom he deems besl fitted for public position. Mr. Swenson was married at Pine Island. June 4. 1891, to Gina Monson, daughter of Gun- der and Gertrud Monson. The fruits of this union are six chil- dren — Stella. Grace. Mattel. Anna. Ervie and Adaline. Guy C. Marshall, of Minneola township, was horn in Wabasha county, this state. September 1. 1867, son of Russ and Rachel Luke Marshall, who came from Pennsylvania and located in Plainview, Wabasha county, in 1SU2. and engaged in farming until 1890, when they retired and spenl the remainder of their days with their sons. Clarence and John, the father dying No- vember 20, 1901, and the mother September 2<). 1905. Guy C. attended the schools of Elgin township, Wabasha county, and farmed for a time with his father. Ee learned the barbers' trade, worked at it three years, then farmed Tor a while, later clerked in a hotel at Plainview and in 1900 came to .Minneola township and took up farming on the Reitman estate, where he 1ms since remained. He was married April 9, 1895, to Sophia Reitman, daughter of John and Christine E. (Katterjohn) Reitman, na- tives of Germany. To this union has been horn one child, Ange- line. who first saw the lighl of day in Plainview. September 6, 1901. Mr. Marshall votes the Republican tickel and belongs to the Foresters. John and Christine E. Reitman came from Ger- many at an early day and lived Tor a time in Indiana. In March, 1866, they came to .Minneola township, purchased 160 acres, im- proved the farm, erected a home and became prominent citizens. The father died December 31, 1904, and the mother still occupies the old homestead at the age of seventy-six years. They had twelve children. Christian Peterson staked out 1 he first claim in Minneola town- ship, built the first cabin, and marked the way for the influx of civilization which was to follow. He was born in Norway, May 16, 1835, and there received his education. In 1852 he came to America and after living for a time in Roekford, 111., located in Minneola, and took up a claim on section 26 of 160 acres. The