Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/971

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BISTORT OF GOODHUE COUNTY 833 Co. (>'. 7th Minn. Vol. Inf.. as a private, being later promoted to" the rank of corporal. He remained in the oorth until in October isti:>. fighting Indians; then with the Seventh Regimenl was ordered south when' he staid till the war closed being mustered ou1 at the hospital in Baton Rogue, La., June 7. L865. Mter the war. he returned home, and in 1869 purchased 125 acres of farm land and ten acres of timber in Cherry Grove township where he built a home, barn, and oilier outbuildings, carrying on general farming and raising horses and cattle. On June 2<>. Is72 he was married to Carrie S. Platland, daughter of Andrew and Martha Mat land, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1S44 and located in Dane county, Wisconsin. Here they remained len years, after which they removed to Waushara county, Wis- consin, remaining until 1865. Then they came to Pine Island township and purchased !<><> acres, later adding 80 more. Here they lived until the death of the father in October 1SD4. The mother died in June 1904. Mr. and Mrs. Berg have been blessed with ten children, of whom seven arc Living: Andrew lives in Wanamingo; Tilda lives at home; Martha married Mel- vin Strom of Michigan City, Ind.; Lydia lives at home; Thomas lives in Michigan City, Ind.; Olga and Magnus live at home. Mr. Berg is an independent voter. He has served his township, as supervisor and assessor, and has been clerk of school district No. 84 for the long period of 34 years. He is director and treasurer of the Minneola' Creamery Co., at Wanamingo, and director of the Cherry Grove, Wanamingo and Minneola Fire Ins. Co. He is also a member of the G. A. R. Post 121 of Zum- brota. The family faith is that of the Lutheran church. Thomas Taft Comstock, of ( Jherry Grove was born in the township, August 19. 1862. son of E. G. and ( Jatherine J. (Wins- ton) Comstock, natives of Massachusetts and New York states, who came west to Minnesota in 1856. and located in Cherry Grove township, where they pre-empted 240 acres of land which the father cleared and broke, built a home, barn and other out- buildings, and carried on general farming, raising horses, cattle and sheep. The father died in 1891, but the mother is still living in Kenyon. Thomas Taft Comstock received his education at the public schools and at Carleton College. In 1892 he entered the employment of the Case Threshing Machine Co., as general agent, which position he held for thirteen years. In 1905 he interested himself in the Cannon Valley Power Co., and the Root River Water Power Co.. with which he has since been con- nected. He is also interested in agriculture has 240 acres of land under cultivation and carries on general farming, dairying and stock raising. Mr. Comstock was married December 29, 1887. to Jessie M. Andrist of Roscoe. daughter of Jacob and Eliz-