Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/986

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848 HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY district 81, which office he held for three years. The family are members of the Norwegian Lutheran church, of which Mr. Gres- seth has been trustee and deacon for the past twenty years. Gunder H. Hoven, Roscoe township, was born in Norway, September 8. 1850, son of Halvor and Malina Hoven, natives of Norway who were farmers, which occupation the father followed until his death November 15. 1908. The mother died in 1903. Gunder received his education in the public schools of Norway and assisted his father on the farm. In 1870 he emigrated to America coming direct to Roscoe township, where he worked for three years. In 1873 he purchased 80 acres of land which he cleared and improved, built his home, barn and other out buildings, now carrying mi a general line of farming, also rais- ing stock and horses of the Clyde grade. He now owns 347 acres of which nearly all is under cultivation. lie was married on December 7. 1 >>74 to Betsy Langness, daughter of Ole and Gert- rude Langness, natives of Norway, who came to this country in L865, located in South Dakota, and engaged in general farming until the death of the father in 1896. The mother died in 1898. .Mr. and .Mrs. Hoven have had six children: Olaf, of Roscoe; Henry, of Roscoe; .Martin, of Roscoe; Edwin and Gitta, at hone'. and George (deceased). Mr. Hoven is a Republican and has served as town supervisor for ^i years. The family faith is that of t he Lutheran church. Henry G. Hoven, was born in Roscoe, in which township he still resides, April L9, 1875, .son of Gunder II. and Betsy Hoven, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1*70, and located in Roscoe township, where the father worked for farmers for three years, after which he purchased 80 acres of land which he broke and cultivated. lie built a home ami other out build- ings, and gradually adding more land until he now owns 347 acres, and carries on a general line of farming also raising Clyde horses. Shorthorn cattle and sheep. All of his land can be culti- vated. Henry received his education in the public schools of Roscoe township, completing with a business course at a Red Wing business college. After leaving school he took up farming with his father, remaining with him until L898, when he rented a farm of 160 acres in Roscoe township and began farming for himself. In 1905 he bought this farm and continued diversified farming and stock raising, making many improvements on the place, remodeled the out buildings, and built a large granary and a machine shed. Mr. Hoven was married May 19, 1898 to Jane Thoreson of Roscoe, daughter of Otto and Sigri (Everson Lund) Thoreson, natives of Norway, who came to this country and located in AVanamingo township. After two years, they pur- chased 120 acres of land which the father improved, and on