Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/990

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HISTORY OP GOODHUE COUNTY her 18, 1865, son of John P. and Mary Swan, natives of Sweden. The mother died on April 13, 1875, and the father, a shoemaker by trade, emigrated to this country in 1879, locating in Wiscon- sin, where he remained a short time, then came to Minnesota and settled in Roscoe township, where he rented land and engaged in farming nine years. He then went to Belvidere township, where he lived fifteen years, after which he returned to Roscoe, where he died January 26, 1908. Alfred received his education in the common schools of Sweden and later in America, where he attended for a short time. After leaving school he worked at farming and later as carpenter, and also engineered a thresh- ing machine. In 1898 he rented the farm where he now Hves. L;iter he secured the farm, and now owns 200 acres, which he manages, carrying on general farming and stock raising. He was married August 1, 1894, to Mary Swenson, adopted daughter of Charles and Dorthia Swenson, natives of Sweden and Nor- way, who came to the United States in 1859, locating in Rock- ford, 111., where they remained bill a shorl time, subsequently cuming to Minnesota, purchasing a farm of 160 acres in Roscoe township. This they cleared and improved, built a home, and carried on genera] farming until Ins death, November 8, 1891. The mother died January 16, 1908. Mr. and .Mrs. Swan have five children: Ella M., horn October 10, 1896; Alice, horn Octo- ber 14, 1897 deceased) ; Clara A., horn December 7. 1S98; Hulda E., born April 10, 1!»<»1 ; and Esther Y.. born November 15, 1906. Mr. Swan is a Republican in his political views, and has served his township as roadmaster and clerk of school district 80 for a number of years. lb- and his family are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal church. Otto Thoreson, of Roscoe township, was born in Norway. May 25, 1842. son of Thore Eleven and Engeborg (Skordahl) Kleven, natives of Norway, the former of whom died in Norway in 1878 and the mother in 1861. Otto received his education in the pub- lic schools of Norway and worked with his father on the farm. In 1861 he emigrated to America and located in AVanamingo township, where he worked for farmers for two years, after which he purchased 120 acres of land which he broke and improved. In 1876 he sold this farm and bought 160 acres in Roscoe town- ship. Later he purchased eighty more and again added forty. Here he carried on general farming and stock raising. All his land is under cultivation and he has 160 acres of improved land in North Dakota. He was married in July, 1863, to Sigrid Ever- son. daughter of Ole and Jonette (Opem) Lund, natives of Nor- way, who came to this country in 1857 and located in "Wanamingo, where they bought a claim of 160 acres and carried on general farming until the death of the father in 1886. The mother is