Page:History of Greece Vol III.djvu/16

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li CONTENTS. Greeks. --Sikels and Sikans gradually Hellenizcd. Difference between the Greeks in Sicily and those in Greece proper. Native population : n Sicily not numerous enough to become formidable to the Greek settlers. Sikel prince Duketius. Grecian colonies in southern Italy. Native population and territory. Sybaris and Kroton. Territory and colonies of Sybaris and Kroton. Epizephyrian Lokri. Original settlers of Lokri their character and circumstances. Treachery towards the indi- genous Sikels. Mixture of Sikels in their territory Sikel customs adopted. Lokrian lawgiver Zaleukus. Rigor of his laws govern- ment of Lokri. Rhegium. Chalkidic settlements in Italy and Sicily Rhegium, Zankle, Naxos, Ivatana, Leontini. Kaulonia and Skylle- tium. Siris or Herakleia. Mctapontium. Tarentum circumstances of its foundation. The Partheniee Phalanthus the cekist. Situation and territory of Tarentum. lapygians. Mcssapians. Prosperitv of the Italian Greeks between 700-500 u. c. Ascendency over the CEno- trian population. Kroton and Sybaris at their maximum from 560-510 B.C. The Sybarites their luxury their organization, industry, anj power. Grecian world about 560 B.C. Ionic and Italic Greeks are then the most prominent among Greeks. Consequences of the fall of Sybaris. Krotoniates their salubrity, strength, success in the Olympic games, etc. Massalia 349-402 CHAPTER XXIII. GRECIAN COLONIES IN AND NEAR EPIRUS. korkyra. Early foundation of Korkyra from Corinth. Relations of Korkyra with Corinth. Relations with Epirus. Ambrakia founded by Corinth. Joint settlements by Corinth and Korkyra. Leukas and Anaktoium. Apollonia and Epidamnus. Relations between these colonies. Commerce 402-410 CHAPTER XXIV. AK ARNANIANS. EPIROTS. Akarnanians. Their social and political condition. Epirots comprising different tribes, with little or no ethnical kindred. Some of these tribes ethnically connected with those of southern Italy; others, with the Macedonians impossible to mark the boundaries. Territory distrib- uted into villages no considerable cities. Coast of Epinis discour- agi og to Grecian colonization. Some Epirotic tribes governed by kings, ort-trs not 411-419