Page:History of Greece Vol III.djvu/218

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"202 HISTORY OF GREECE. Triopian promontory itself; HalikarnassJs more to the northward, on the northern coast of the Keramic gulf: neither of the two are named in Homer. The legendary account of the origin of these Asiatic Dorians has already been given, and we are compelled to accept their hexapolis as a portion of the earliest Grecian history, of which no previous account can be rendered. The circumstance of Rhodes and Kos being included in the Catalogue of the Iliad leads us tc suppose that they were Greek at an earlier period than the Ionic or JEolic settlements. It may be remarked that both the brothers Antiphus and Pheidippus from Kos, and Tlepolemus from Rhodes, are Herakleids, the only Herakleids who figure in the Iliad: and the deadly combat between Tlepolemus and Sarpedon may perhaps be an heroic copy drawn from real contests, which doubt- less often took place between the Rhodians and their neighbors the Lykians. That Rhodes and Kos were already Dorian at the period of the Homeric Catalogue, I see no reason for doubting. They are not called Dorian in that Catalogue, but we may well suppose that the name Dorian had not at that early period come to be employed as a great distinctive class-name, as it was after- wards used in contrast with Ionian and .ZEolian. In relating the history of Pheidon of Argos, I have mentioned various reasons for suspecting that the trade of the Dorians on the eastern coast of the Peloponnesus was considerable at an early period, and there may well have been Doric migrations by sea to Krete and Rhodes, anterior to the time of the Iliad. Herodotus tells us that the six Dorian towns, which had estab- lished their amphiktyony on the Triopian promontory, were care- ful to admit none of the neighboring Dorians to partake of it. Of these neighboring Dorians, we make out the islands of Astypalie, and Kalymnae, 1 Nisyrus, Karpathus, SymS, Telus, Kasus, and Chalkia, on the continental coast, Myndus, situated on the same peninsula with Halikarnassus, Phaselis, on the eastern coast of Lykia towards Pamphylia. The strong coast-rock of lasus, midway between Miletus and Halikarnassus, is said to have been 1 Seo the Inscriptions in Bocckh's collection, 2483-2671 : the latter is sin lasian Inscription, reciting a Doric decree by the inhabitants of Kalymna tlso Ahrens, Pe Dialccto Dorica, pp. 15, 553; Diodor. v, 53-54