Page:History of Greece Vol V.djvu/11

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PREFACE TO VOL. V. VOLUMES V AND VI. PBOM THE BATTLE OF IVIAEATHON TO THE PEACE OF NIKIAS. B.C. 490-421. I HAD reckoned upon carrying my readers in these two volumes down to the commencement of the great Athenian expedition against Syracuse. But the narration of events, now that we are under the positive guidance of Thucydides, — coupled with the exposi- tion of some points on which I differ from the views generally taken by my predecessors, — have occupied greater space than I had foreseen : and I have been obliged to enlarge my Sixth Volume beyond the usual size, in order to arrive even at the Peace of Nikias. The interval of disturbance and partial hostility, which ensued between that peace and the Athenian expedition, will therefore be reserved for the beginning of my S^enth Vol- ume, the publication of which wiU not be long delayed. G. G. Dec. 1848.