Page:History of Greece Vol V.djvu/291

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GRECIAN AFFAIRS AFTER THE PERSIAN INVASION. 267 tion of the solemnities which their fathers, in the days of former freedom, had crowded to witness in that sacred island. At the time when this alliance was formed, the Persians still held not only the important posts of Eion on the Stryraon and Doriskus in Thrace, but also several other posts in that country,i which are not specified to us. "We may thus understand why the Greek cities on and near the Chalkidic peninsula, — Argilus, Stageirus, Akanthus, Skolus, Olynthus, Spartolus, etc., — which we know to have joined under the first assessment of Aristeides, were not less anxious 2 to seek protection in the bosom of the new confederacy, than the Dorian islands of Ehodes and Kos, the Ionic islands of Samos and Chios, the ^olic Lesbos and Tenedos, or continental towns such as Miletus and Byzantium : by all of whom adhesion to this alHance must have been contem- plated, in 477 or 476 B.C., as the sole condition of emancipation from Persia. Nothing more was required, for the success of a foreign enemy against Greece generally, than complete autonomy of every Grecian city, small as well as great, — such as the Persian monarch prescribed and tried to enforce ninety years afterwards, through the Lacedaemonian Antalkidas, in the pacifi- cation which bears the name of the latter : some sort of union, organized and obligatory upon each city, was indispensable to the safety of all. Nor was it by any means certain, at the time when the confederacy of Delos was first formed, that, even with that aid, the Asiatic enemy would be efiectually kept out ; espec- ially as the Persians were strong, not merely from their own force, but also from the aid of internal parties in many of the Grecian states, — traitors within, as well as exiles without. Among these, the first in rank as well as the most formidable, was the Spartan Pausanias. Summoned home from Byzantium to Sparta, in order that the loud complaints against him might bo ' Herodot. vii, 106. vwapxoc tv ry QprjiKi} koI tov 'EX?.7](J7t6vtov ivav- TaxJI- OvToi uv Tiuv-ec,ol re ck QprjUrig koI tov 'ETiArjaTrovTov, nl^v Tov tv AopioKu, v~d 'E^.Xtjvuv varepov ravTTjc TTjg arpaTTjldcurj^ i'^ripi^ricav, etc. • Thucyd. v, I 3. Tuf 6e Tr6?,eic, (pepovaag jbv <p6pov rdv in' 'ApiaTstdov, airovofiot'c elvai ...ehl 6e,'Apyi?.oc, ^Tuyeipog,'AKav^og, 2«w/'.0f, 'OAvv- i?of, STraprwAoc.