Page:History of Greece Vol VII.djvu/110

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92 HISTORY OF (iRKHCT: party in ArgDS, thus encouraged and reinforced, entered into a conspiracy with the Lacedaemonians to bring the city into alliance with Sparta as well as to overthrow the democracy.' As the first step towards the execution of this scheme, the Lacedaemonians, about the end of September, marched out their full forces as far as Tegea, thus threatening invasion, and inspir- ing terror at Argos. From Tegea they sent forward as envoy Lichas, proxenus of the Argeians at Sparta, with two alternative propositions : one for peace, which he was instructed to tender and prevail upon the Argeians to accept, if he could ; another, in case they refused, of a menacing character. It was the scheme of the oligarchical faction first to bring the city into alliance with Lacedaamon and dissolve the connection with Athens, before they attempted any innovation in the government. The arrival of Lichas was the signal for them to manifest themselves by stren- uously pressing the acceptance of his pacific proposition. But they had to contend against a strong resistance ; since Alkibiades, still in Argos, employed his utmost energy to defeat their views. Nothing but the presence of the Lacedaemonian army at Tegea, and the general despondency of the people, at length enabled them to carry their point, and to procure acceptance of the pro- posed treaty ; which being already adopted by the ekklesia at Sparta, was sent ready prepared to Argos, and there sanctioned without alteration. The conditions were substantially as fol- lows : " The Argeians shall restore the boys whom they have received as hostages from Orchomenus, and the men-hostages from the Maenalii. They shall restore to the Lacedasmonians the men now in Mantineia, whom the Lacedaemonians had placed as hostages for safe custody in Orchomenus, and whom the Argeians and Mantineians have carried away from that place. They shall evacuate Epidaurus, and raze the fort recently erected near it. The Athenians, unless they also forthwith evacuate Epidaurus, shall be proclaimed as enemies to Lacedoemon as well as to Argos, and to the allies of both. The Lacedaemonians shall restore all the hostages whom they now have in keeping, from whatever place they may have been taken. Respecting the

1 Thucyd. v, 76 ; Diodor. xii, 80