Page:History of Greece Vol VII.djvu/112

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94 HISTORY OF GRKKCE. Such was th 3 agreement sent ready prepared by Jie Lacedary monians to Argos, and there literally accepted. It presented a reciprocity little more than nominal, imposing one obligation of no importance upon Sparta ; though it answered the purpose of the latter by substantially dissolving, the alliance of Argos with its three confederates. But this treaty was meant by the oligarchical party in Argos only as preface to a series of ulterior measures. As soon as it was concluded, the menacing army of Sparta was withdrawn from Tegea, and was exchanged for free and peaceful intercom- munication between the Lacedaemonians and Argeians. Prob- ably Alkibiades at the same time retired, while the renewed visits and hospitalities of Lacedaemonians at Argos strengthened the interest of their party more than ever. They were soon powerful enough to persuade the Argeian assembly formally to renounce the alliance with Athens, Elis, and Mantineia, and to conclude a special alliance with Sparta, on the following terms : "There shall be peace and alliance for fifty years between the Lacedaemonians and the Argeians upon equal terms each giving amicable satisfaction, according to its established con- stitution, to all complaints preferred by the other. On the same condition, also, the other Peloponnesian cities shall partake in this peace and alliance, holding their own territory, laws, and separate constitution. All extra-Peloponnesian allies of Sparta shall be put upon the same footing as the Lacedaemonians themselves. The allies of Argos shall also be put upon the same footing as Argos herself, holding their own territory undisturbed. Should occasion arise for common military operations on any point, the Lacedaemonians and Argeians shall take counsel together, deter- mining in the most equitable manner they can for the interest of their allies. If any one of the cities hereunto belonging, either in or out of Peloponnesus, shall have disputes either about boun- daries or other topics, she shall be held bound to enter upon I rather imagine, too, that this last clause (n<5'fvraf ) has reference exclusively to the Argeians, and not to the Lacedaemonians also. The form of the treaty is, that of a resolution already taken at Spar) a. and sent foi

approval to Argos