Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/103

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PSEPIIISM OF DEMOPHANTUS. fcj odor. Let all Athenians swear an oath under the sacrifice of full-giown victims, in their respective tribes and demes, to kill him. 1 Let the oath be as follows : ' I will kill with my own hand, if I am able, any man who shall subvert the democracy at Athens, or who shall hold any office in future after the democ- racy has been subverted, or shall rise in arms for the purpose of making himself a despot, or shall help the despot to establish himself. And if any one else shall kill him, I will account the slayer to be holy as respects both gods and demons, as having slain an enemy of the Athenians. And I engage by word, by deed, and by vote, to sell his property and make over one-half of the proceeds to the slayer, without withholding anything. If any man shall perish in slaying or in trying to slay the despot, 1 will be kind both to him and to his children, as to Harmodius and Aristogeiton, and their descendants. And I hereby break and renounce all oaths which have been sworn hostile to the Athenian people, either at Athens or at the camp (at Samos) or elsewhere. 2 ' Let all Athenians swear this as the regular oath, immediately before the festival of the Dionysia, with sacrifice and full-grown victims; 3 invoking upon him who keeps it, good 1 Andokides dc Mystcriis, sects. 95-99. (c. 16, p. 48, R.) 'O <5' UT vrtf rbv ravra Koi^aavra, Kal 6 mtfifiovfavaaf, oaiof iaru Kal evayjjf. 'Q/ioaai rfAi?7?vaiOi;f u~avr af, /cai?' icpuv Tffaiuv, Kara v /i a c Kal K arti dr/fiovs, tiTcoKTcivEiv rbv ravra Troif/aavTa. The comment of Sievcrs (Commentationcs De Xenophontis Hellenicis, Berlin, 1833, pp. 18, 19) on the events of this time, is not clear. 1 Andokides de Mysteriis, sects. 95-99. (c. 16, p. 48, R.) 'Oirotrot T Spxoi t'lftuftovrai 'Adqvyaiv i) kv r <f> a rparoxe dy fi uA/loi? irov Ivuvriot T<J cl^yuw TUV 'A'&r/vaiuv, Kal uQirjfii. To what particular anti-constitutional oaths allusion is here made, wo cannot tell. All those of the oligarchical conspirators, both at Samos and at Athens, are doubtless intended to be abrogated : and this oath, like that of the armament at Saraos (Thucyd. viii, 75), is intended to be sworn by every one, including those who had before been members of the oligarchi- cal conspiracy. Perhaps it may also be intended to abrogate the covenant sworn by the members of the political clubs or %vvu[t.6aiai among them- selves, in so far as it pledged them to anti-constitutional acts (Thucyd. viii, 54-81).

  • Andokides dc Mystcriis, sects. 95-99, (c. 16, p. 48, R.) Tavra de ofio.

ffuvTuv 'A & T] v a i o i Travrec a' lepuv rrf.ciuv, rbv vopipov SpKov, 7T/0 binvvaiuv, etc. VOL. viii. 4* Goo