Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/11

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CONTENTS. VOL. PART II. CONTINUATION OP HISTORICAL GRESC1 CHAPTER LXII. tWENTY-FIRST TEAR OF THE WAR. OLIGARCHY OF FOUR AT ATHENS. Rally of Athens, during the year after the defeat at Syracuse. B.C. 412. Commencement of the conspiracy of the Four Hundred at Athens Alkibiades. Order from Sparta to kill Alkibiades. He escapes, retires to Tissapherne's, and becomes adviser of the Persians. He advises the satrap to assist neither of the Grecian parties heartily but his advice leans towards Athens, with a view to his own restoration. Alkibiades acts as negotiator for Tissaphernes at Magnesia. Diminution of tho rate of pay furnished by Tissaphernes to the Peloponnesians. Alkibi- ades opens correspondence with the Athenian officers at Samos. He originates the scheme of an oligarchical revolution at Athens. Con- spiracy arranged between the Athenian officer and Alkibiades. Oligar- chical Athenians the hetseries, or political clubs. Peisander is sent to push forward the conspiracy at Athens. Credulity of the oligarchical conspirators. Opposition of Phrynichus at Samos to the conspirators, and to Alkibiades. Manoeuvres and counter-manoeuvres of Phrynichus and AlkibiadC-s. Proceedings of Peisander at Athens strong opposi- tion among the people both to the conspiracy and to the restoration of Alkibiades. Unwilling vote of the assembly to relinquish their democ- racy, under the promise of Persian aid for the war. Peisander is sent back to negotiate with Alkibiades. Peisander brings the oligarchical clubs at Athens into organized action against the democracy. Peisander leaves Athens for Samos Antiphon takes the management of the oli- garchical conspiracy Thcramenes and Phrynichus. Military opera- tions near the Asiatic coast. Negotiations of Peisander with Alkibiade's. Tricks of Alkibiades he exaggerates his demands, with a view of breaking oft" the negotiation indignation of the oligarchs against him. Reconciliation between Tissaphernes and the Peloponnesians. Third