Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/17

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CONTENTS X! Sparta. Unparalleled ascendency of Lysandcr. His overweening ambition oppressive dominion of Sparta. Disgust excited in Greece by the enormities of the Thirty. Opposition to Lysander at Sparta king Pausanias. Kallikratidas compared with Lysander. Sympathy at Thebes and elsewhere with the Athenian exiles. Thrasybulus seizes Phyle repulses the Thirty in their attack. Farther success of Thrasy- bulus the Thirty retreat to Athens. Discord among the oligarchy at Athens seizure of the Eleusinians. Thrasybulus establishes himself in Peirseus. The Thirty attack him and are defeated Kritias is slain. Colloquy during the burial-truce language of Kleokritus. Dis- conragemeht of the oligarchs at Athens deposition of the Thirty and appointment of the Ten the Thirty go to Eleusis. The Ten carry on the war against the exiles. Increasing strength of Thrasybulus. Arrival of Lysander in Attica with a Spartan force. Straightened con- dition of the'exiles in Peiracus. Spartan king Pausanias conducts an expedition into Attica ; opposed to Lysander. His dispositions unfavor- able to the oligarchy ; reaction against the Thirty. Pausanias attacks Peinens ; his partial success. Peace party in Athens sustained by Pausanias. Pacification granted by Pausanias and the Spartan author- ities. The Spartans evacuate Attica Thrasybulus and the exiles are restored harangue of Thrasybulus. Restoration of the democracy. Capture of Eleusis entire reunion of Attica flight of the survivors of the Thirty 210-230 CHAPTER LXVI. FROM THE RESTORATION OF THE DEMOCRACY TO THE DEATH OF ALKIBIADES. Miserable condition of Athens during the two preceding years. Imme- diate relief caused by the restoration Unanimous sentiment towards the renewed democracy. Amnesty treatment of the Thirty and tho Ten. Disfranchising proposition of Phormisius. The proposition rejected speech composed by Lysias against it. Revision of the laws the Nomothetae. Decree, that no criminal inquiries should he carried back beyond the archonship of EukleidOs, B.C. 403. Oath taken by the senate and the dikasts modified. Farther precautions to insure the observance of the amnesty. Absence of harsh reactionary feeling, both after the Thirty and after the Four Hundred. Generous and reasonable behavior of the demos contrasted with that of the oligarchy. Care of the people to preserve the rights of private property. Repayment to the La< eda-monians. The horsemen, or knight>. Revision of the laws Nikomachus. Adoption of the fuller Ionic alphabet, in place of the old Attic, for writing up the laws. Memorable epoch of the- archonship of Eukleides. The rhetor Lysias. Other changes at Athens abolition of the Board of Hcllenotamiae restric- tion of the right of citizenship. Honorary reward to Thrasybulus and the exiles. I'o-itioii and views of Alkiliiades in Asia. Artaxerxes Mnemon, the new king of Persia. Plans of Cyrus Alkibiades wishes to reveal them at Susa. The Lacedaemonians conjointly with Cyrus require Pharnabazus to put him to death. Assassination of Alkibiadea bv order of Pharnabazus. Character of Alkibiades ... . .290-316