Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/302

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280 fflSTOEY OF GREECE, whom you have wronged, and are now gone out of the country. But you have no cause to be uneasy for the future. I adjure yon, my friends from Peirzeus, in no point to violate the oaths which we have just sworn. Show, in addition to your other glorious exploits, that you are honest and true to your engagements." 1 The archons, the senate of Five Hundred, the public assembly , and the dikasteries, appear to have been now revived, as they had stood in the democracy prior to the capture of the city by Lysan- der. This important restoration seems to have taken place some time in the spring of 403 B.C., though we cannot exactly make out in what month. The first archon now drawn was Eukleides, who gave his name to this memorable year ; a year never afterwards forgotten by Athenians. Eleusis was at this time, and pursuant to the late convention, a city independent and separate from Athens, under the govern- ment of the Thirty, and comprising their warmest partisans. It was not likely that this separation would last ; but the Thirty were themselves the parties to give cause for its termination. They were getting together a mercenary force at Eleusis, when the whole force of Athens was marched to forestall their designs. The generals at Eleusis came forth to demand a conference, but were seized and put to death ; the Thirty themselves, and a few of the most obnoxious individuals, fled out of Attica ; while the rest of the Eleusinian occupants were persuaded by their friends from Athens to come to an equal and honorable accommodation. Again Eleusis became incorporated in the same community with Athens, oaths of mutual amnesty and harmony being sworn by every one. 2 "We have now passed that short, but bitter and sanguinary interval, occupied by the Thirty, which succeeded so immediately upon the extinction of the empire and independence of Athena 1 Xenoph. Hellen. ii, 4, -10-42. 8 Xenoph. Hellen. ii, 4, 43 ; Justin, v, 11. I do nDt comprshend the allu- sion in Lysias, Orat. xxv, Anu. KaroA. 'ATTO^. sect. 1 1 : eial tie olnvef rut uiroypaijja/iEvuv, k^e^ovTe.^ /*ei?' vftuv, iTrohopnovvro /MT' a*