Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/51

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DEMOCRACY AT SAMOS UPHELD. 28 known, and the democracy was considered as still subsisting there. 1 To stand by the assailed democracy of Satnos, and to preserve the island itself, now the mainstay of the shattered Athenian empire, were motives more than sufficient to awaken the Athe- nian leaders thus solicited. Commencing a personal canvass among the soldiers and seamen, and invoking their interference to avert the overthrow of the Samian democracy, they found the general sentiment decidedly in their favor, but most of all, among the parali, or crew of the consecrated public trireme, called the paralus. These men were the picked seamen of the state, each of them not merely a freeman, but a full Athenian citizen, receiving higher pay than the ordinary seamen, and known aa devoted to the democratical constitution, with an active repug- nance to oligarchy itself as well as to everything which scented of it. 2 The vigilance of Leon and Diomedon on the defensive side, counteracted the machinations of their colleague Charminus, along with the conspirators, and provided for the Samian democ- racy faithful auxiliaries constantly ready for action. Presently, the conspirators made a violent attack to overthrow the govern- ment ; but though they chose their own moment and opportunity, they still found themselves thoroughly worsted in the struggle, especially through the energetic aid of the parali. Thirty of their number were slain in the contest, and three of the most guilty afterwards condemned to banishment. The victorious party took no farther revenge, even upon the remainder of the three hundred conspirators, granted a general amnesty, and did their best to reestablish constitutional and harmonious working of the democracy. 3 1 Thucyd. viii, 73, 74. OVK r/^iovv Trcpii&elv avrovf o^uf re not 'Zii/iov 'A&Tjvaioif u?J*oTpiu-&iaav, etc. .... oy yop rjdeaav iru rot)f reTpaKoaiovf upxavrac, etc.

  • Thucyd. viii, 73. Kal oi>x f/Kiara rouf IlapaAnuf, uvdpaf 'Adyvacovf rt

Kal i%.ev&cpov$ nuvraf h> rij vi/i ~7,covraf, Kal tie I df/noTs 6 A t yap.^ '0 Kal firj Trap over 77 iTriKeiftcvovf. Pcitholnus called the paralus poTra?.ov TOV 6q/j.ov, ' the club, staff, ot trace of the people." (Aristotel. Rhetoric, iii, 3.) 3 Thucyd. viii, 73. Kal rpiuKovra fiev ni>ac uTTEKretvav TUV rpianciiuv, Tpelf 6e roi>c amwruTOt'f tyvyfj E^rjftiuaav ' roZf (T u