Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/68

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46 HISTORY OF GREECE. was a design of seizing and imprisoning the relatives of the demo* crats at Samos, and putting them to death, if the latter refused to obey orders from Athens. The simple narrative of what had really occurred would have been quite sufficient to provoke in the armament a sentiment of detestation against the Four Hun- dred. But these additional details of Chrereas, partly untrue, filled them with uncontrollable wrath, which they manifested by open menace against the known partisans of the Four Hundred at Samos, as well as against those who had taken part in the recent oligarchical conspiracy in the island. It was not without difficulty that their hands were arrested by the more reflecting citizens present, who remonstrated against the madness of such disorderly proceedings when the enemy was close upon them. But though violence and aggressive insult were thus season- ably checked, the sentiment of the armament was too ardent and unanimous to be satisfied without some solemn, emphatic, and decisive declaration against the oligarchs at Athens. A great democratical manifestation, of the most earnest and imposing character, was proclaimed, chiefly at the instance of Thrasybulus and Thrasyllus. The Athenian armament, brought together in one grand assembly, took an oath by the most stringent sanctions : to maintain their democracy ; to keep up friendship and harmony with each other ; to carry on the war against the Peloponnesians with energy ; to be at enmity with the Four Hundred at Athens, and to enter into no amicable communication with them whatever. The whole armament swore to this compact with enthusiasm, and even those who had before taken part in the oligarchical move- ments were forced to be forward in the ceremony. 1 What lent double force to this touching scene was, that the entire Samian pop-

  • Thucyd. viii, 75. Meru 6s TOVTO, hafnrp&c fjdrj if drifiOKpariav povho-

pevoi neraaTTiaai TU ev ry SU/LKJ o re Qpaavpovhoc itai QpaavMof, upnuaav TTuvraf rovf arpaTiuras roiif //eytorovf opKov(, KCU avroiif rove ex TTJI; 6Atya/> X'liC fiufaoTa, % PJV 6rjftoKpaTjjaea$ai nai bfiovoqaeiv, not rbv jrpdf HE^OKOV vriaiovs Ti-6^.e/j.ov Trpo&i>fj.uf dioiaeiv, Kal roif TerpaKomoif Trohefiioi re eaeodat Kai ovdev tTriKTipVKEvecrdai. Swufiwaav 6e nai Zaitiuv navref rbv avrbv upKov ot kv Ty rjhiKip, Kal rii Trpdyfiara ndvra KOI T& aTro/Sqaopeva IK rui mvdvvuv ^vveKoivucavTo oi arpaTiurai rolf 'Zafiiotf, vo/ii^ovref ttire ineivotf uK(XTTpo<j>r/v auTi)pia<; OVTE a<j>iaiv elvai, d/-A' iav re ol rerpaKoa oi Kparfjau v.v tuv TE oi kn MtA^roi; Tro?.ft