Page:History of Greece Vol X.djvu/18

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ij CONTENTS. script to be received at Corinth; the Corinthians refuse: failure cf tht Theban object. Mission of Pelopidas to Thcssaly. He is seized and detained prisoner by Alexander of Pherse. The Thebans despatch an army to rescue Pelopidas. The arn;y, defeated and retreating, is only saved by Epaminondas, then a private man. Triumph of Alexander in Thessaly and discredit of Thebes. Harsh treatment of Pelopidas. Second Theban army sent into Thessaly, under Epaminondas, for the rescue of Pelopidas, who is at length released by Alexander under a truce. Oropus is taken from Athens and placed in the hands of the Thebans. The Athenians recall Chares from Corinth. Athens discontented with her Peloponnesian allies ; she enters into alliance with Lykomedcs and the Arcadians. Death of Lykomedes. Epaminondas is sent as envoy into Arcadia ; he speaks against Kallistratus. Project of the Athenians to seize Corinth ; they are disappointed. They apply to Sparta, Refu- sal of the Spartans to acknowledge the independence of Messene ; they reproach their allies with consenting. Corinth, Epidaurus, Phlius, etc", conclude peace with Thebes, but without Sparta recognizing the inde- pendence of Messene. Athens sends a fresh embassy to the Persian king altered rescript from him, pronouncing Amphipdlis to be an Athe- nian possession. Timotheus sent with a fleet to Asia Agesilaus revolt of Ariobarzanes. Conquest of Samos by Timotheus. Partial readmission to the Chersonese obtained by Timotheus. Athenian kle- ruchs or sellers sent thither as proprietors. Difficulties of Athens in establishing kleruchs in the Chersonese. Kotys of Thrace Timotheus supersedes Iphikrates. Timotheus acts with success on the coast of Macedonia and Chalkidike. He fails at Amphipolis. Timotheus acts against Kotys and near the Chersonese. Measures of the Thebans in Thessaly Pelopidas is sent with an army against Alexander of Pherae. Epaminondas exhorts the Thebans to equip a fleet against Athens. Discussion between him und Menekleidas in the Theban assembly. Menekleidas seemingly right in dissuading naval preparations. Epami- nondas in command of a Theban fleet in the Hellespont and Bosphorus. Pelopidas attacks Alexander of Pherae his success in battle his rash- ness he is slain. Excessive grief of the Thebans and Thessalians for his death. The Thebans completely subdue Alexander of Pheroe 242-310 CHAPTEE LXXX. FROM THE DEATH OF PELOPIDAS TO THE BATTLE OF MATINEA . v/onspiracy of the knights of Orchomenus against Thebes destruction of Orchomenus by the Thebans. Repugnance excited against the The- bans regret and displeasure of Epaminondas. Return of Epaminon- das from his cruise renewed complications in Peloponnesus. State of Peloponnesus Eleians and Achaeans in alliance with Sparta. The Eleians aim at recovering Triphylia the Spartans, at recovering Mes- sCne. War between the Eleians and Arcadians; the latter occupy Olympia. Second invasion cf Elis by the Arcadians. Distress of tho Eleians. Archidamus and the Spartans invade Arcadia. Archidamus establishes a Spartan garrison at Kromnus. The Arcadians gain advan- tages over him armistice. The Arcadians blockade Kromnus, and capture the Spartan garrison. The Arcadians celebrate the Olympic festival along with the Pisatans excluding the Eleians. The Eleians invade the festival by arms conflict on the plain of Olympia bravery of the Eleians. Feelings of the spectators at Olympia. The Arca- dians take the treasures of Olympia to pay their militia. Violent dis- sensions arising among the members of the Arcadian communion, in