Page:History of Greece Vol X.djvu/20

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v CONTENTS. made against Olynthus. Maximum of second Atheijan empire ac- cession of Philip of Macedon 31 1-383 CHAPTER LXXXI SICILIAN AFFAIRS AFTER THE DESTRUCTION OF THE ATHENIAN ARMA- MENT BEFORE SYRACUSE. Syracuse after the destruction of the Athenian armament. Anticipation of the impending ruin of Athens revolution at Thurii. Syracusan squadron under Hermokrates goes to act against Athens in the .^Egean. Disappointed hopes defeat at Kynossema second ruinous defeat at Kvzikus. Sufferings of the Syracusan seamen disappointment and displeasure at Syracuse. Banishment of Hermokrates and his col- leagues. Sentence communicated by Hermokrates to the armament. Internal state of Syracuse constitution of Diokles. Difficulty of determining what that constitution was. Invasion from Carthage. State of the Carthaginians. Extent of Carthaginian empire power, and population Liby-Phcenicians. Harsh dealing of Carthage to- wards her subjects. Colonies sent out from Carthage. Military force of Carthage. Political constitution of Carthage. Oligarchical sys- tem and sentiment at Carthage. Powerful families at Carthage Ma- go, Hamilkar, Hasdrubal. Quarrel between Egesta and Selinus in Sicily. Application of Egesta to Carthage for aid application grant- edeagerness of Hannibal. Carthaginian envoys sent to Sicily. Han- nibal crosses over to Sicily with a very large armament. He lays siege to Selinus. Vigorous assault on Selinus gallant resistance the town is at length stormed. Selinus is sacked and plundered merci- less slaughter. Delay of the Syracusans and others in sending aid. Answer of Hannibal to their embassy. Hannibal marches to Himcra and besieges it. Aid from Syracuse under Diokles sally from Himera. Hannibal destroys Himera, and slaughters three thousand prisoners, as an expiation to the memory of his grandfather. Alarm throughout the Greeks of Sicily Hannibal dismisses his army, and returns to Car- thage. New intestine discord in Syracuse Hermokrates comes to Sicily. He levies troops to effect his return by force. He is obliged to retire he establishes himself in the ruins of Selinus, and acts against the Carthaginians. His father attempts to reenter Syracuse, with the bones of the Syracusans slain near Himera. Banishment of Diokles. Hermokrates tries again to penetrate into Syracuse with an armed force. He is defeated and slain. First appearance of Dionysius at Syra- cuse. Weakness of Syracuse, arising out of this political discord par- ty of Hermokrates. Danger from Carthage. Fresh invasion of Sicily, by the Carthaginians. Immense host under Hannibal and Imilkon. Great alarm in Sicily active preparations for defence at Agrigen- turn. Grandeur, wealth, and population of Agrigentum. The Cartha- ginians attack Agrigentum. They demolish the tombs near its walls. Distemper among their army. Religious terrors sacrifice. Syracu- san reinforcement to Agrigentum, under Daphnaeus. His victory ovei the Iberians. He declines to pursue them. Daphnseus enters Agrigen turn. Discontent against the Agrigentine generals, for having been backward in attack. They are put to death. Privations in both armies Hamilkar captures the provision-ships of the Syracusans Agrigen turn is evacuated. Agrigentum taken and plundered by the Cartha- gians. Terror throughout Sicily. Bitter complaints against the Sy- racusan generals. The Hermokratean party at Syrcause comes forward to subver the government and elevate Dicnysius. Harangue of Diony