Page:History of Greece Vol X.djvu/463

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niONYSIUS DICTATOR. 441 passed, appointing Dionysius general of the city, alone, and with full powers j 1 by what majority we do not know. The first use which the new general-plenipotentiary made of his dignity was to propose, in the same assembly, that the pay of the soldiers should be doubled. Such liberality (he said) would be the best means of stimulating their zeal ; while in regard to expense, there need be no hesitation ; the money might easily be provided. Thus was consummated the fourth, and most important, act of the despot's progress. A vote of the assembly had been obtained, passed in constitutional forms, vesting in Dionysius a single-handed power unknown to and above the laws, unlimited and unrespon- sible. But he was well aware that the majority of those who thus voted had no intention of permanently abnegating their freedom, that they meant only to create a temporary dictatorship, under the pressing danger of the moment, for the express purpose of pre- serving that freedom against a foreign enemy, and that even thus much had been obtained by impudent delusion and calumny, which subsequent reflection would speedily dissipate. No sooner had the vote passed, than symptoms of regret and alarm became manifest among the people. What one assembly had conferred, a second repentant assembly might revoke. 2 It therefore now remained for Dionysius to ensure the perpetuity of his power by some or- ganized means ; so as to prevent the repentance, of which he already discerned the commencement, from realizing itself in any actual revocation. For this purpose he required a military force extra-popular and anti-popular ; bound to himself and not to the city. He had indeed acquired popularity Avith the Syracusan as well as with the mercenary soldiers, by doubling and ensuring their pay. He had energetic adherents, prepared to go all lengths on his behalf, especially among the restored exiles. This was an 1 Dioclor. xiii, 94. 2 Diodor. xiii, 95. Am/v$<77?f <5e r^r eKK^eaiaf, OVK oTityoi. ruv 'Zvpa- Kovaiuv KdTTjyopovv ruv Kpax$EVTUv, uattep OVK OVTOI ravra KEKVpuKorsf roif yap T^OJLOILQLI; elf iavrovf spxdfiEvoi, rrjv eaoftEvriv dvvuaTeiav UVE&SU- povv. OT'rot [lev ovv fte^atuait /3ovX6fiEvot rtjv e^ev&Epiav, iXafiov savroitf oeciroTrjv TTjf TTdTpidof KafisffraKoTEf. '0 <Je Awvvcuof, TTJV fieTuvo lav ruv o%Xuv Q&acrat, povhjuev Of , iK^f/Ti di' ov rpor ov dvvairo <f>v> Tiaxac; atTT/aaa^ai rov auftarof Tovt.'ov yap KvpiEvaeiv TT) Tvpavvidof. 19*