Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/26

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XIV CONTENTS. Demetrius acquires the crown of Macedonia. — Antigonus Gonatas (so* of Demetrius) master of Macedonia and Greece. Permanent rule of tlit Antigonid dynasty in Macedonia, until the conquest of that country by the Komans. — Spirit of the Greeks broken — isolation of the cities from each other by Antigonus. — The Greece of Polybius cannot form a sub- ject of history by itself, but only as an appendage to foreign neighbors. — Evidence of the political nullity of Athens — public decree in honor of Demochares — what acts are recorded as his titles to public grati- tude. 275-331 CHAPTER XCVII. SICILIAN AND ITALIAN GREEKS — AGATIIOKLE3. Constitution established by Timoleon at Syracuse — afterwards exchanged for an oligarchy. — Italian Greeks — pressed upon by enemies from the interior — Archidamus king of Sparta slain in Italy. — Growth of the Molossian kingdom of Epirus, through Macedonian aid — Alexander the Molossian king brother ofOlympias. — The Molossian Alexander crosses into Italy to assist the Tarentines. His exploits and death. — Assistance sent by the Syracusans to Kroton — first rise of Agathokles. — Agathokles distinguishes himself in the Syracusan expedition — he is disappointed of honors — becomes discontented and leaves Syracuse. — He levies a mercenary force — his exploits as general in Italy and Sicily. — Change of government at Syracuse — Agathokles is recalled — his exploits against the exiles — his dangerous character at home. — Far- ther internal changes at Syracuse — recall of the exiles — Agathoklef re-admitted — swears amnesty and fidelity. — Agathokles, in collusion with Hamilkar, arms his partisans at Syracuse, and perpetrates a san- guinary massacre of the citizens. — Agathokles is constituted sole des- pot of Syracuse. — His popular manners, military energy, and conquests. Progress' of Agathokles in conquering Sicily. The Agrigentines take alarm and organize a defensive alliance against him. — They invite the Spartan Akrotatus to command — his bad conduct and failure. — Sicily the only place in which a glorious Hellenic career was open. Peace concluded by Agathokles with the Agrigentines — his great power in Sicilv. — He is repulsed from Agrigentum — the Carthaginians send an armament to Sicily against him. — Position of the Carthaginians be- tween Gela and Agrigentium — their army reinforced from home. — Operations of Agathokles against them — his massacre of citizens at Gela. — Battle of the Himera, between Agathokles and the Carthagin jans. — Total defeat of Agathokles by the Carthaginians. — The Cartha ginians recover a large part of Sicily fiom Agathokles. His depressed condition at Syracuse. — He conceives the plan of attacking the Cartha- ginians in Africa. — His energy and sagacity in organizing this expedi- tion. His renewed massacre and spoliation. — He gets out of the har- bor, in spite of the blockading fleet. Eclipse of the sun. He reaches Af- rica safely. — He burns his vessels — impressive ceremony for affecting this, under vow to Demeter. — Agatliokles marches into the Carthagin- ian territory — captures Tunes — richness and cultivation of the country. — Consternation at Carthage — the city force marches out against him - Hanno and Borailkar named generals. — Inferior numbers of Agathe