Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/615

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THESMOI. 583 THRACE. «>1 ; ami Menestlicus, ii. 22 ; res- toration of the sons of, to his kinj^dom, ii. 23 ; consolidation of Attica by, iii. G9; bones of, con- veyed to Athens, v. 304. The.tmoi, iii. 76. Tfiesmoplwria, festival of, i. 4-4. Thesmothetce, iii. 74. TliespicE, hard treatment of. by Thebes, n. c. 423, vi. 452; severity of Thebes towards, b. c. 372, x. 162. Thespian contingent of Lconidas,v.91. Thespians, distress of, caused by Xerxes's invasion, v. 91 n. 1 ; at the battle of Leuktra, x. 180 : ex- pulsion of, from Bceotia, after the battle of Leuktra, x. 195. Thespis and Solon, story of, iii. 146. Thesprotians, iii. 414 seq. Thessalian cities, disorderly confe- deracy of, ii. 282 : and Athenian cavalry, skirmishes of, with Archi- damus, vi. 134; cavalry sent home by Alexander, xii. 181. T/iessalians, migration of, from Thes- protis to Thessaly, ii. 14 ; non- Hellenic character of, ii. 15; and their dependants in the first two centuries, ii. 274 seq.; character and condition of, ii. 276 seq. ; and Xerxes's invasion, v. 67, 69 ; al- liance of, with Athens and Argos, about B. C. 461, V. 320; Thebans, and Lokrians, war of, with the Phokians, b. C. 355, xi. 254. fhessahts, son of Kimon, impeach- ment of Alkibiades by, vii. 210. Thessaly, affinities of, with Bceotia, ii. 17; quadruple division of, ii. 281 ; power of, when united, ii. 283; Athenian march against, b. c. 454, v. 332 ; Brasidas's march through, to Thrace, vi. 399 seq. ; Lacedse- monian reinforcements to Brasidas prevented from passing through, vi. 449 ; state of, b. C. 370, x. 248 ; mfluence of Thebes in, b. c. 369, X. 248 ; expedition of Pelopidas (o, B. C. 369, X. 248 ; expedition of Pelopidas to, b. c. 368, x. 263 ; ex- peditions of Pelopidas to, x. 264 n. 2 ; mission of Pelopidas to, b. c. 366, X. 282 ; expedition of Pelopidas to, B.C. 363, X. 303, 307 seq.; despots of, xi. 202 seq. ; first expedition of Philip into, against the despots of Phera, xi. 261, 292, 295 n. 2; kc cond expedition of Pliilip into against the despots of Phciae, xi. 292 ; victory of Leosthenes over Antipater in, xii. 315. Tltites in legendary Greece, ii. 100 ; in Attica immediately before So- lon's legislation, iii. 94 seq ; mu- nity of, iii. 97. TTidfsand Peleus, i. 187. Thimhron, expedition of. to Asia, ix. 208 ; defeat and death of, ix. 362, xii. 429 seq. ThirlwaWs opinion on the partition of land ascribed to Lykurgus, ii 401 seq., 404, 407 seq. T^iirty at Athens, nomination of, viii. 236 ; proceedings of, viii. 239 seq. ; executions by, viii. 240 seq., 243 seq., 247 seq.; discord among, viii. 243; three thousand hoplites nom inated by, viii. 246 ; disarming of hoplites by, viii. 247 ; murders and spoliations by, viii. 247, 256; ty ranny of, after the death of Thera menes, viii. 2.56; intellectual teach ing forbidden by, viii. 257; and Sokrates, viii. 258; growing inse curity of, viii. 259; disgust in Greece at the enormities of, viii. 262 ; repulse and defeat of, by Thrasybulus at Phyle, viii. 265; seizure and execution of prisoners at Eleusis and Salamis by, viii. 267 ; defeat of, by Thrasybulus at Peirffius, viii. 269 seq. ; deposition of, viii. 271 ; reaction against, on the arrival of king Pausanias, viii. 275 ; flight of the survivors of the, viii. 280; treatment of, b. c 403, viii. 292; oppression and suffering of Athens under the, ix. 185; Ath ens rescued from the, ix. 185; the knights or horsemen supporters of the, ix. 186; Athens under the, a specimen of the Spartan empire, ix. 187; compared with the Ly- sandrian Dekarchies, ix 188; a))d Kallibius, ix. 188; put down l>y the Athenians themselves, ix. 19S. Thorax AwA Xenophon, ix. 134 seq. Thrace, Chalkidic colonies in, iv. 22 seq. ; Greek settlements east of the Strymon in, iv. 25 ; conquest cf, by the Persians under Darius, iv 273 ; and Macedonia, march of