Page:History of India Vol 3.djvu/130

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100 ALA -AD -DIN KHALJI dier. So illiterate was lie that he did not even know how to read. But he knew how to command an army and to carry it through an arduous campaign. Shortly before the murder of his uncle he had won great glory by his conquests in the Deccan. Hitherto the utmost THE NAKBADA RIVER AT JABALPTTR. stretch of the kingdom of Delhi had been across the plains from the Indus to Bengal, and from the Him- alayas to the Vindhya Mountains. No Mohammedan ruler had ventured to cross the Narbada River and the Satpura hills into the great plateau of Southern India, Maharashtra, the land of the Marathas. In 1294, how- ever, after successfully dealing with insurrections in