Page:History of India Vol 5.djvu/135

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THE LAST CONQUESTS OF ALTAMISH 101 were ordered to receive punishment at the door of the royal tent, and after this, promotions were made in the ranks of the nobles and great officers. On the second of Kabi'-al-awwal in the same year, his Majesty started on his return from the fort, and after reaching the capital he sent the army of Islam toward Malwa, and took the fort and city of Bhilsa in 632 A. H. (1234 A. D.). There was a temple there which was three hundred years in building and was about one hundred and THE ROAD NEAR A RUINED TEMPLE AT UJJAIN. five cubits high. He demolished it. From thence he proceeded to Ujjain, where there was a temple of Maha-kal, which he destroyed, as well as the image of Vikramajit, who was King of Ujjain and reigned 1316 years before his time. The Hindu era dates from his reign. Some other images cast in copper were carried to Delhi with the stone image of Maha-kal. In 633 A. H. (1236 A. D.) Sultan Shams-ad-din Alta- mish led the armies of Hindustan toward Banyan, but in this journey his Majesty fell sick and was obliged by his severe illness to return home. Wednesday morn-