Page:History of India Vol 5.djvu/281

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THE ADVANCE TO ANDARABAH 233 The detachment which followed close on his heels entered the fort along with him, and Hati was accord- ingly obliged to make his escape, nearly alone, by the northwest entrance. On this occasion Dost Beg again greatly distinguished himself, and I ordered an hon- orary gift to be given him. At the same time I entered Parhalah and took up my abode at Tatar's palace. During these operations, some men, who had been ordered to remain with me, had joined the skirmish- ing party, and to punish them for this offence, I gave them the Gujar Surpa for their guide and turned them out disgracefully into the wilds and deserts to find their way back to camp. On Thursday, the fifteenth of Kabi'-al-awwal, we halted at Andarabah, which lies on the banks of the river Sohan. This fort of Andarabah depended, in ancient times, on the father of Malik-hast, but when Hati Gakkar slew Malik-hast 's father, it had been destroyed, and had remained in ruins ever since. Hati, after killing Tatar, had sent to me one Parbat, his relative, with a caparisoned horse and with gifts. He did not meet me, but fell in with that part of the army that had been left behind with the camp; and having arrived along with the division that accom- panied the baggage, he now presented his offerings and tribute, and tendered his submission. Langar Khan, who was to be left behind in Bahrah, but who had accompanied the camp to finish some business, also rejoined me; and having brought everything to a con- clusion, he took leave of me and returned to Bahrah,