Page:History of India Vol 5.djvu/318

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266 THE BEGINNING OF HUMAYUN'S REIGN eternal heaven, the celestial herald of the Supreme Lord raised the pleasing cry, " We have made thee king on earth," to the ears of this rightful prince Humayun, and the hand of the kindness of the Creator of souls and substances put the happy robe of royalty on the person of this able monarch, the Conqueror of the World. The hope which was evoked by prosperity is now realized ; The desire which the world entertained is satisfied." On Friday, the ninth of the same month, public prayer was read in the name and title of this noble king in the Jami* Mas j id at Agra, and the noise of con- gratulations which arose from the crowd of the people reached beyond the heavens. Among other wonderful events which happened to our great prince, one was that in the year in which the late Emperor Babar marched from Kabul toward Kandahar, he left Humayun, this sun of the heaven of royalty and power, in charge of the duties of gov- ernment. One d#y the latter mounted his horse and went to ride in the forests, hills, gardens, and mead- ows. On the road he wished to take an omen, and having called Masih-ad-din Ruh-Allah, who was his tutor, he told him it had just entered his mind that he would ask the names of the first three persons he met and take an omen from them. Masih-ad-din said it would be enough if he asked only one man's name, but the king was firm in his resolution. After they had gone a little distance, they saw a man about forty years of age; and when they asked