Page:History of India Vol 6.djvu/181

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THE POBTUGUESE CONQUEST OF GOA 133 ministers could do to hold together the most important inland provinces of the Bijapur kingdom. The outly- ing island of Goa and its region of creeks and estuaries remained with the Portuguese. The pirate Timoja, who first urged Albuquerque to seize it, and whose forces bore an important part in its capture and recapture, received a substantial share A MOHAMMEDAN MOSQUE AT BIJAPUR. of the spoils. He obtained the revenues of a district in free gift, was appointed chief Aguazil, or adminis- trator, of the lands of Goa, and captain of the native population. The revenues of the whole annexed terri- tories, Goa Island excepted, were made over to him in return for a fixed rental, together with the responsi- bility for their defence. That daring and unscrupulous corsair was exactly the sort of adventurer then found- ing dynasties in India. Had he lived he might have