Page:History of India Vol 6.djvu/329

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EUROPEANS AT AKBAR'S COURT 265 cially upon the organ, and gave great delight to all who heard them/ In his annals for the twenty-third year of Aider's reign, 1579 A. D., the royal chronicler deems the arrival of a European and his wife an incident of sufficient note to mention directly after he has recorded a matter relating to the imperial tribute due from the district of Bengal. [Elliot, vol. v, p. 59.] ' While the emperor Akbar was encamped at the river Biyah, letters arrived from Khan Jahan, accompanying the tribute from Bengal, and from Raja Mai Gosain, the zamlndar of Kuch, who had re- newed his allegiance to the imperial throne. The trib- ute of Bengal consisted of the choicest productions of Bengal, and of fifty-four elephants. Along with these came a European named Partab Bar, who was accom- panied by Barsuba, his wife. 1 He was graciously re- ceived at court, and his sound sense and upright con- duct won the favour and esteem of the emperor.' In the same year, 1579 A. D., there is an extended account of a religious discussion held at Akbar 's " Hall of Worship ' by a Christian padre from Portugal. Abu-1-Fazl's description is much to the point. ' One night the ' Ibadat-KMnah, or " Hall of Wor- ship," was brightened by the presence of Padre Radalf, 2 who for intelligence and wisdom was unrivalled among Christian doctors. Several carping and bigoted men attacked him, and this afforded an opportunity for a 1 The spelling of these names is very doubtful. 8 Padre Rodolpho Aquaviva, a missionary from Goa.