Page:History of India Vol 6.djvu/383

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INDEX 315 Comes into possession of the Kings of Delhi, 287 H " Hall of Worship " scene of a religious discussion by a Portuguese Chris- tian, 265-266 Hamilcar, 142 Hanno, expedition of, to Africa, 48, 50 Hanseatic trade, 18, 34-35 In London, 178-179 Harwich, Frobisher returns to (1576), 183 Frobisher sails from (1578), 185 Hebrews command the Indo-Syrian trade-route, 4-10 Early colonies of, in India, 29, 79-81 Albuquerque's persecution of Cas- tilian, in India, 170-171 Henry, Prince of Portugal (The Navi- gator), life and explorations of, 43- 59, 64-65, 200 Tomb of, 44, 47 Henry V, of England, military assist- ance of, to Portugal, 42 Henry VII, of England, friendly rela- tions of, with Portugal, 172-173, 203 Charters and encouragement of mari- time exploration of, 172-173, 174- 175, 178 Henry VIII, of England, unites with Spain and Portugal against the Turks, 173 Trade to India under, 176-178, 197, 203-204 Excommunication of, 183-197 Herodotus, quoted, 19-20, 47, 48 Hinduism in Malabar, 78-79 Hindu Rush, ancient trade-route across, 15 Hippalus quoted, 22, 24 Hiram, King of Tyre, 7 Holland, quest of, for India and Cathay by the northeast, 198 Long struggle of, with Spain in Europe and the East, 198, 205-209, 218, 221 Struggle of, with England for the spice trade, 212-215 Fifteen separate voyages under (1595- 1601), 213, appendix II, A Homer, quoted, 3, 21, 48 Hore, Master, quest of, for the North- west passage (1536), 177-178 Horses, Arab, trade in, between Ormuz and Goa, 158 Houtman, Cornelis, led first Dutch fleet around the Cape (1595-1597), 211, 212, 218 Second expedition of, to India (1598), 213 Hugli, Port of, founding of, 277-278 Christians at, besieged and expelled by Shah Jahan, 279-283 Customs of Europeans at, in Mo- hammad Shah's time, 284-286 Huguenots, French, colonies of, in Brazil and Florida, 194-195 Husain, Amir (Mir Ho$em), Egyptian admiral (1508), 96-97 Husbands, Samuel, 240 I Iceland (Ultima Thule), voyage of Co- lumbus to, 173 " Imago Mundi " of D'Ailly quoted, 58 Inayat-Allah, son of Kasim Khan, sent against the Christians at Hugli, 279- 280 India, old trade-routes to, and early ac- counts of, 1-35 Influence of the early Babylonian trade (7th century B. c.), on the alphabet of, 4 Quest for, by sea, 36-73 During Portuguese rule, 74-166 England's attempts to reach, 167-215 Indian trade, struggle between Portu- guese and Arabs for, 83, 85-101, 104- 106, 108-110, 114-118, 124-128, 131, 152-153 Indo-Chinese trade-routes and early trade, 27-31, 151 Indus, supposed statue of, in Alexandria, 28 Inquisition in Europe, 203, 206 Ionian settlements on the Nile, 21 Isaiah, quoted, 2 Islam established hi the Deccan and Gujarat, 287 Ivan III, of Russia, abolishes the char- ters of Novgorod (1475), 35 Ivan IV, of Russia, destroys Novgorod, 35 Grants freedom of trade to English ships (1554), 181 Jackman, Northeastern expedition of (1580), 188 Jaliat, Christians found fort at, 293 Fort of, captured from Christians. 295 James I, of England, letters of, to East- ern princes, 246 Japan, Portuguese trade with, 146-147, 153 Java, Portuguese power in, 113 English claim to trade with, 227 Jenkinson, Anthony, opens out English