Page:History of India Vol 6.djvu/389

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INDEX 321 Buccaneers in the narrow seas, in the Bay of Bengal and Canton, 165-166 Struggle with Spain in the East, and Convention of Saragossa (1529), 168-173 Trade with England, 202-203, 204 Prester John, land of (Abyssinia), Portu- guese expeditions to discover, 60-61 Albuquerque's scheme to conquer the land of, 103-104 Printing in Holland, 200 Psammetichus, King, opens out Indo- Egyptian trade, 20-21 Ptolemaic system of cosmography, 200 Ptolemy Philadelphus, extension of Indo-Egyptian trade under, 20, 21- 22 Q Quiloa (Kilwa), in Africa, Portuguese fort at, 94, 148 Quilon (Koulam), port in Malabar, early trade of, 30, 78 Portuguese trade and alliance with, 86-91 Portuguese establish a factory at (1502), 88, 90 Portuguese treaties with, 90, 122-124, 128 Portuguese control of, 105, 123 Portuguese establish a fort at (1503), 122-123 Portuguese protect native Christians at, 123 Portuguese monopoly of pepper from, 123 " Quixote, Don " quoted, 163 R Rabbah (Rabbath-Ammon), trade em- porium, 3, 5, 9, 11 Raymond, George commander of the first English voyage by way of the Cape (1591), 193 " Rebeldes," Portuguese use of the term, 67 Red Sea, ancien trade-route by way of, 3, 7, 20-27, 78, 83 Ancient navigation of the, 20, 22-26, 49 Portuguese struggle with the Moslems for the command of the, 55, 89, 92, 99-101, 104, 109-111, 120, 124-125, 146-147 Reformation, the, and its effect on maritime exploration, 194, 205, 207 Rhinoculora, trade emporium, 4 Rhodes, Knights Hospitallers driven to, 13 Defence of, by Knights Hospitallers, 31-32 Rio Grande, Portuguese reach (1447), 51 Rivadanda, Christians build fort at, 294 Rome commands Eastern trade-routes, 9, 10, 29 Early trade of, with China, 28 Rubruquis visits Tartar headquarters in Asia Minor, 37 Witnesses the battle of Angora (1402), 37 Rumes, see Turks Russell, Sir William Howard, quoted, 135 Russia, early trade-route through, 14-19 Hanseatic trade of, 18, 34-35 English trade with (1554), 180-181 Rye, Lancaster arrives at (1594), 193 S Sabsean alphabet brought to India, 4 Sagres, observatory and school for navi- fition founded by Prince Henry the avigator at, 44, 56, 200 Monument of Prince Henry at, 44-45, 51 Salaries, low, of Portuguese soldiei-s hi India, lead to embezzlement, 143- 144, 162-163 Of captain and crew, together with cost of a Portuguese ship for India, 150 Insufficient, lead to corruption, de- sertions, and private trade, 155-164 Saldanha, Antonio, expedition of, to the Red Sea and his policy of destroy- ing the Arab trade, 89, 92 Saldanha Bay, death of Almeida at, 103 Salim of Rum, Sultan, unsuccessful in attack on Christians, 294 Salutes, Portuguese waste of ammunition in, 255 Samuri, see Zamorin Sancho Panza, 163 San Domingo, English attack on, 227 Sangaca, Fort, Portuguese and native forces at the relief of (1542), 142 Santa Cruz, island off Africa, reached by Dias (1486), 57 Sanuto, Marino, map of, quoted, 49 Saracens, capture Syrian trade-route, 11 Hold Syrian trade-route, 12-13 Struggle of, with Christians, to hold Syrian trade-route, 16, 36 Egynt under the, 30 Saragossa. Convention of (1529), 170. 171, 173, 197 Sardinia under Spanish control, 2( Satganw declines as Hugli rises, 278