Page:History of India Vol 7.djvu/283

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MADRAS BECOMES AN INDEPENDENT PRESIDENCY 231 haps struck by such a display of distant resources, became eager for a closer alliance. In 1650 - 1651 he even proposed to form a Joint Stock with the English Company for trading between the ports of his kingdom and those of other Indian powers. This dangerous honour, like the proffered partner- ship of James I, was prudently evaded. But the Com- J^Jht/^c^cL toJU. CAR OF THE GOD VITOBA AT VIJAYANAGAR. pany in London perceived that a new future had opened for it on the Bay of Bengal. Hitherto Madras ranked as a subordinate agency to Bantam in Java. In 1653 it was raised to an independent presidency. Presently the Honourable Masters at home, in terrible straits to maintain their position from day to day, took fright at the cost of its new fortified factory, and in 1654 reduced the staff at Madras to two factors, with ten