Page:History of India Vol 7.djvu/368

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308 INDEX Rychant, Sir Peter, seizes three hundred bags of pepper in Venice belonging to the Company, 254 S Sanuto, Marino, submits his Secretum Fvdelium Cruris to the Pope, 40 Saris, Captain, of the Clove, receives a pass admitting the English to friendly trade on the Red Sea, 20-21 Proceeds to Japan, 21 With the help of Adams, establishes an English factory in Japan, 22 Scotch charter, danger to the English from, 90 Friendly relations between the Dutch and the, 118-119 Shah Abbas grants rewards to the Eng- lish, 56 Shah Jahan deposed by Aurangzib, 247 Shah of Persia appeals to France, and later to England, to aid in quelling the Portuguese, 55 Sind, English agency at, 201 Smythe, Thomas, governor of the Eng- lish East India Company, impris- oned, 1 Solemn League and Covenant, 254 Southampton, treaty of, between King Charles I and the Dutch, 140 Spain, bankruptcy of, 44 War tax of, on Portugal, 44 Hostile attitude of, toward England, in 1608-1611, 45 Cromwell's West Indian expedition against, 277, 278 Speult, Herman van, Coen's instruc- tions to, 114 Dutch private view of the proceedings of, 124, 132 Previous intercourse between Tower- son and, 134-137 Appearance of, in Dryden's " Tragedy of Amboyna," 155-157 Spices, buying and selling prices of, 3 Spinoza gives his genius to Amsterdam, 59 States-General of Holland, negotiations of, with England after Amboyna and the persistent claim to supreme jurisdiction in the Eastern Archi- pelago, 132-155 St. George, Fort, turned over to the Joint Stock, 286-287 St. Thomas Christians, all religious prop- erty of , confiscated and burned, 43 Abolished as a separate caste, 43 Sunda, Straits of, command one en- trance to the Spice Archipelago, 70 Surashtra, province of, at one time in- cluded Gujarat and part of Kathia- war, 193 Surat, English factory established at, 20 Estuary of, dangerous for navigation, 26 Saved by Downton's strategy from a land attack by Portuguese, 52 Moghul emperor of, declares himself on the side of English, 53 Trade opened between Jask and, in 1618, 55 Imprisonment of the East India Com- pany's servants in, 183-184 Ancient capital of Gujarat, 193 In ancient times the chief maritime centre of India, 193 In time blocked by sand-laden ocean tides, 193 The base of English colonization in India, 194 Drawbacks to the East India Com- pany's success at, 202 Dutch settle at, 202-203 English at, held responsible for Dutch outrages, 203 English at, utilized by the Moghul gov- ernment against the Portuguese, 203-204 Portuguese defeated by the English off, 204 English president oL recognized as chief of his countrymen in India, 206 Prosperity of the English factory at, 206 Famine in, 207 Rebuilding of trade at, at the close of the famine, 207 Factory dominates the western coast line of communication, cutting in two Portuguese lines, 208, 212 English factory at, becomes a sea-de- fence of the Moghul Empire, 210 Factors carry on private trade, 210 President of, commissions a squadron in 1628 to wage war on Portuguese, 210 Factory at, seized by Moghuls to avenge English piracies in Red Sea, 211 President and Council of the factory at, imprisoned by Moghuls, 211 President and Council of the factory at, released by Moghuls on payment of a fine, 211, 212 Factory protests against Weddell's usurpation, 212, 214 Factory, independent growth of the, 216-217