Page:History of India Vol 7.djvu/370

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310 INDEX Buys up factories, forts, etc., of the Old Company, 285 Officers of, 285, 286 Provides safeguards for its own monopoly, 286 Dividends of, paid in cash, 286 Re-establishes the Old Company's set- tlements in the East, 289 Purchases Fort Comantine, 289 Resolves to fortify St. Helena, 289 Upper India yields fine cotton fabrics, dyes, and indigo, 201 Van den Broeck, Dutch trade-director at Surat, 202-203 Verholt, Dutch commander at Batavia, shows kindness to English, 152 Vijayanagar, Hindu suzerainty of , des- troyed, 218 Virginia, grant of James I to found, 11 W Weddell, headquarters of, at Rajapur on the Bombay coast, 212 Goes to Goa and lands his goods there, 212 Cuts in two the English line of commu- nication between Surat and Goa, 212 Secures support of the king of Bija- pur, 215 X Xavier, St. Francis, establishes the Catholic Church in India, 41