Page:History of India Vol 8.djvu/28

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PAGE The Massacre at Cawnpur 452 The " Slaughter-House," where the Cawnpur Massacre took place . . 454 Detail from the Hall of a Hundred Columns at Conjevaram . . . 462 The Durbar of 1902 465 Submission of the Maharaja Dhulip Singh to Sir Henry Hardinge, at Kanha Cushwa 470 View of Muscat from the Housetops 474 Reception of General Outram and Staff at the Durbar of the Raja of Travancore 478 Major-General Sir Henry Havelock 481 A Pillar at Tirumala Nayaka, Madura 484 The Tilo-Milo Pagoda at Pagan, Burma ....... 488 A Sacred Pool at Tiruparankundram near Madura 491 The Ganesa Temple at Tiruvenamalai in South Arkot . . . .495