Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/17

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN VOLUME II. xin No. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 4 10. 411. 412 413 Tomb of Sher Shah at Sahsaram Pendentive from Mosque at Old Delhi .... Plan of Western half of Court- yard of Jami' Masjid, Jaunpur View of south lateral Gateway of J&mi' Masjid, Jaunpur Lai Darwaza Mosque, Jaunpur Plan of Jami' Masjid, Ahmad- Elevation of the Jami' Masjid . Plan of the Queen's Mosque, Mirzapur .... Elevation of the Queen's Mosque .... Section of Diagram explanatory of the Mosques at Ahmadabad Plan of Tombs and Mosque at Sarkhej .... Pavilion in front of Tomb at Sarkhej . Mosque of Muhafiz I<Mn Window in Sidi Sayyid's Mosque, Ahmadabad . Plan of Tomb of Mir Abu Turab Plan and Elevation of Tomb of Sayyid 'Usman TombofQutbu-l-'AlamatBatwa 240 Plans of Tombs of Qutbu-1- 'Alam and his Son at Batwa . Plan of the Jami' Masjid at Champ^nir .... Plan of Tomb of Mubarak Sayyid, near Mahmudabad . Tomb of Mubarak Sayyid Sketch Plan of Jami' Mosque at Mandit ..... Courtyard of Great Mosque at Mandu ..... Modern curved form of Roof . Qadam-i-Rasul Mosque, Gaur . Plan of Adinah Mosque, Pandua Minar at Gaur Plan of Mosque at Kulbarga . Half-elevation half-section of the Mosque at Kulbarga View of the Mosque at Kulbarga . Plan of the Jami' Masjid, Plan and section of Smaller Domes of the Jami' Masjid . . Section through the Great Dome of the Jami' Masjid . AGE No. 218 414- 1 220 4I5- 3 224 416. 224 417. 226 418. 231 231 419. 420. 232 421. 232 422. 233 423- 234 424. 2 3S 425- 236 426. 237 427. 238 428. 238 240 429. 240 430. 431. 242 432. 433- 243 434- 244 435- 436. 248 437- 249 438. 254 256 439- 258 259 440. 264 441. 265 442. 265 443- 270 444. 271 445- 271 PAGE Plan of the Tomb of Ibrahim 'Adil Shah, Bijapur . . 272 Plan of Tomb of Muhammad at Bijapur . . . .273 Pendentives of the Tomb of Muhammad, looking upwards 274 Section of Tomb of Muhammad at Bijapur . . . .275 Diagram illustrative of Domical Construction . . . 276 Audience Hall, Bijapur . . 278 Tomb of Nawab Sharfa Khan, near Tatta . . . .281 Plan of Tomb of Muhammad Ghaus, Gwaliar . . .291 Tomb of Muhammad Ghaus, Gwaliar .... 292 Carved Pillars in the Sultana's Kiosk, Fathpur-Sikri . . 294 Mosque at Fathpur-Sikri Plan 295 Buland or Southern Gateway of Mosque, Fathpur-Sikri . . 296 Hall in Palace at Allahabad . 298 Plan of Akbar's Tomb at Sikandara, near Agra . . 299 Diagram section of one half of Akbar's Tomb at Sikandara . 300 View of Akbar's Tomb, Sikan- dara 301 Plan of Lahor Fort . . .303 Plan of Palace at Delhi . .310 View of Taj Mahall, Agra . 314 Plan of Taj Mahall . . .315 Section of Taj Mahall . . 315 Plan of Moti Masjid, Agra . 317 View in Courtyard of Moti Masjid 318 View of Great Mosque at Delhi 319 View of the Martiniere, Luck- now 3 2 5 View of the Begam Kothi, Lucknow .... 327 Plan of Imambara at Lucknow 329 English Tombs, Surat Sir Geo. Oxenden's on the left . 330 Tomb of Maiji Sahiba at Junagadh . . . 33 1 Mosque of Shah Hamadan, Srinagar . . . -334 Conjectural plan of a Burmese Temple . . . -342 , Quarter plan of Shwe-Hmaudau Pagoda at Pegu . , . 343