Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/262

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2l8 INDIAN SARACENIC ARCHITECTURE. BOOK VII. !545) (Woodcut No. 380), the most illustrious of his race. It is situated on a terrace 30 ft. high and about 300 ft. square, in the middle of a large tank, near Sahsaram, in Shah- abad, and, from its locality and its design, is now a singularly picturesque object (Woodcut No. 381). Its dimen- sions too are considerable. 1 Its base is an octagon, 56 ft. on each side externally, or 135 ft. in diameter. A gallery, 10 ft. 2 in. wide, surrounds the central apartment, which is surmounted by a large dome 71 ft. in diameter, be- neath which stands the tomb of the founder and of some of his favourite companions in arms. 380. Tomb of Sher SMh at Sahsaram. Scale 100 ft. to i in. 381. Tomb of Sher Shah at Sahsaram. (From a Photograph.) On the exterior, the terrace on which it stands is ornamented 1 Cunningham's 'Archaeological Reports,' vol. xi. p. 135.