Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/296

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252 INDIAN SARACENIC ARCHITECTURE. BOOK VII. the builders clung steadily to the pointed arch style, without any attempt, however, at groining so successfully employed at a later period by the Mughal architects. 1 1 ' History of Mandu, by a Bombay Subaltern' (Lieut. Blake), Bombay reprint, 1875 ; Capt. C. Harris, ' Ruins of Mandoo,' fol. (1860) ; 'Journal of the Bombay Br. R. Asiatic Society,' vol. xix. (1895), pp. 154-201 ; vol. xxi. (1902), PP- 378-391; 'Archaeological Survey Annual Report, 1903-1904,' pp. 30-45.