Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/308

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INDIAN SARACENIC ARCHITECTURE. BOOK VII. six small domes each, whilst on each end of the side corridors are domes of 25 ft. in width. Having only one example of the class, it is not easy to form an opinion which of the two systems of building is the better. 408. Mosque at Kulbarga. (From a Plan by the Hon. Sir Arthur Gordon, now Lord Stanmore.) Scale 50 ft. to i in. There is a repose and a solemnity which is singularly suited to a place of prayer, in a courtyard enclosed by cloisters on all sides, and only pierced by two or three doors ; but, on the other hand, the heat and glare arising from reflection of the sun's rays in these open courts is sometimes most painful in such a climate