Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/351

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CHAP. X. MUGHAL ARCHITECTURE. 299 been twenty years in building. It stands in an extensive garden, approached by one noble gateway. In the centre of this garden, on a raised platform, stands the tomb itself, of a pyramidal form. The lower storey measures 320 ft. each way, exclusive of the angle towers. It is 30 ft. in height, and pierced by ten great arches on each face, and with a larger entrance adorned with a mosaic of marble in the centre (Woodcuts Nos. 427, 428). 1 427. Plan of Akbar's Tomb at Sikandara. (From a Plan by the Author.) Scale 100 ft. to i in. On this terrace stands another far more ornate, measuring 1 86 ft. on each side, and 14 ft. 9 in. in height. A third and fourth, of similar design, and respectively 15 ft. 2 in. and 14 ft. 1 No plan or section of this tomb has ever, so far as I know, been published, though it has been in our possession for nearly a century. Those here given are from my own measurements, and, though they may be correct as far as they go, are not so detailed as those of such a monu- ment ought to be, and would have been, had it been in the hands of any other European nation.