Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/458

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3 82 FURTHER INDIA. BOOK VIII. height, not unlike the gopura of a Dravidian temple, but extended by lateral galleries and towers to a facade more than 600 ft. in extent. Within this a second raised causeway, 370 - yds. long, leads to a | cruciform platform in $ front of the temple c (shown in Fig. i, Wood- cut No. 459). On either side of this, about half- way down, is a detached temple, which anywhere else would be considered of importance, but here may be passed over. The general plan of the temple will be un- derstood from the wood- cut (No. 459). It con- sists of three enclosures, one within the other, each raised from 15 ft. to 20 ft. above the level of that outside it, so as to give the whole a pyramidal form. The outer enclosure measures 590 ft. by 700 ft., and covers, therefore, about 413,000 sq. ft. The great temple at Karnak (Thebes) covers 430,000 sq. ft. There are three portals, adorned with towers on each face, and on either side of these are open galleries or verandahs, which, with their bas-reliefs, are pro- bably the most remark- able features of this temple. Their external