Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/499

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CHAP. IV. JAVA. 417 of the earliest being that of Herr J. W. Ijzerman l on the country between Surakarta and Jogjakarta (1891). His work includes all the temples in the vicinity of Prambanan and a con- jectural restoration of the temple of Kali-Bening, unfortunately drawn to so large a scale that the elevation is on two sheets as also the plan. An excellent map of the country also is given with four photographs of the monastery of Sari, which are of great interest. Dr. J. Groneman, 2 working in the same district, has given sixty-two photographs of one of the most important temples, i.e., that at Loro Jonggrang. The plan of this temple is given in a third work by Albert Tissandier, 3 who spent some time both in Java and Cambodia measuring the temples of which the plans are published in his book, as also many valuable photo- gravures. The temples on the Dieng Plateau, described in a work by Herr von Saher, 4 had already been photographed by the Batavian Society, from which series some have been repro- duced. Two monographs have also been published, one by Herr Kersjies and G. den Hamer 5 on the small temple of Mendut, 2 miles from Boro-Budur, and the other, by Dr. J. E. A. Brandes, as the first volume of the Archaeological Survey on the temple of Jago in the eastern part of the island, 6 followed by a second volume on Singasari and Panataran, in all cases with much architectural detail and excellent plans. A large number of plans and elevations have also from time to time been published in the Reports of the Government Commission appointed in 1 90 1, 7 of which five volumes have appeared. The same subject is also treated in General de Beylie's work, 8 dealing generally with architecture in India and the extreme East. ' Beschrijving der Oudheden nabij de Government Commission have been pub- Soerakarta en Djogdjakarta,' door J. W. i lished : Tjandi Djago ; 'Archseologisch Ijzerman, met Atlas, 4to. S'Gravenhage, ! Onderzoek op Java en Madura,' door Dr. 1891. The Atlas consists of map and 32 ! J. L. A. Brandes (with 104 photo-plates, folding plates, and in the text are 15 24 sheets of drawings and a map), vol. i. photographs on 10 plates. 1904; and 'Beschrijving van Tjandi 2 ' Tjandi Parambanan op midden Java Singasari en Wolkentooneelen van Pana- na deOutgraving,' door Dr. J. Groneman, I taran,' door H. L. Leydie Melville en J. met 62 Lichtdrukken. Leiden, 1893. I Knebel (with 113 photo-plates, 19 3 Albert Tissandier, 'Cambodge et drawings and 2 maps), vol. ii. 1909. Java,' Paris, 1896. ' Rapporten van de Commissie in ' De Versierende Kunsten in Neder- Nederlandsch- Indie voor Oudheidkundig landsch Oost-Indie einige hindoemonu- Onderzoek op Java en Madura,' 1901- menten op midden Java,' door E. A. Von 1906 ; also, ' Tonnet (Marline) Het werk Saher, 1900. j der Commissie in Nederlandsch-Indie ' De Tjandi Mendoet voor de ! voor Oudheidkundig Onderzoek op Java restauratie,' door B. Kersjies en G. den en Madura,' 1907. Hamer (with 22 photo-plates), 1903. 8 Beylie (Genl. L. de), ' L' Architecture 8 Of the Archaeological Survey under the Hindoue en extreme Orient,' Paris, 1907. VOL. II. 2 D